Single portraits

Discussion in 'Maps, Textures, and Graphics' started by CashDiver, Dec 18, 2024.

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  1. CashDiver

    CashDiver Member

    Nov 19, 2023
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    How to enable single portraits that are not in packs? For example, I pick the portrait from default set and edit it in Photoshop with all 5 necessary variations according to the portraits.mes format. Then I take them to the portraits folder and enter the files names to the portraits.mes code or what? It didn't work. I placed it in the end of humans section:
    {0775} {HUF_0775_b_rogue.tga}
    {0776} {HUF_0776_m_rogue.tga}
    {0777} {HUF_0777_s_rogue.tga}
    {0778} {HUF_0778_s_rogue_grey.tga}
    {0779} {HUF_0779_m_rogue_grey.tga}
    I am new to ToEE and chose the partially localised fan build to get familiar with it, it includes CoEight Modpack 8.1 and Temple+ if it matters. I also enabled the ToEE Portrait Packs with DnDe5, Eberron and TieflingsandAasimars packs, then I delete them, but they are still displaying at the portraits set, and the new portrait doesn't. I tried to rename it as one of default portrait and it appeared upside down, but if I click it the large portrait is displaying as default, not edited.

    And a little offtop, do the preprovided characters leave? Can I leave them wherever somehow if I meet some recruitable NPC?
  2. marc1967

    marc1967 Established Member

    Jan 19, 2014
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    You have to jump 10 numbers to make the next entry for a new character portrait. So if the last used numbers used for a human were 0770-0774, you can't number the next one 0775-0779. You have to use 0780-0784, then 0790-0794, etc. Yours would be named like this:
    {0780} {HUF_0780_b_rogue.tga}
    {0781} {HUF_0781_m_rogue.tga}
    {0782} {HUF_0782_s_rogue.tga}
    {0783} {HUF_0783_s_rogue_grey.tga}
    {0784} {HUF_0784_m_rogue_grey.tga}
    If that doesn't work, let me know.

    For you second question, I'm not sure exactly what you asking. Are you referring to the "pregenerated" characters in the CHARACTER POOL screen? Like Regdar and Lidda? If so, and you use one of them, there is no difference between the pregenerated PC characters and ones you roll up yourself, once the game starts. They are still PC's in your group like any other.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2024
  3. CashDiver

    CashDiver Member

    Nov 19, 2023
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    The black field appeared at icons set and the black screen is displaying by clicking this field. Main image properties: 130x150, 24 bits (as the original, others got 32). More about build: https://arcanecoast-ru.translate.go..._tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru&_x_tr_pto=wapp#p2198137
    And the additional portraits packs are still displaying after being deleted, why so?

    Yes, I asked about these pool characters. I'm interested will the group choice become permanent or they can be left somewhere, maybe by changing them to met NPC or another way?
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2024
  4. CashDiver

    CashDiver Member

    Nov 19, 2023
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    The another question is about portraits size. The main image is 130x150 and should be cropped to 53x47 and 42x37 for small and mini variants respectively. They also should have black border so their real resolutions are 51x45 and 40x35 but it's not a question. How do I crop main image to these resolutions through Photoshop if they aren't enough even for the face? It's obvious that only the section of main image should be resized but how do I find its accurate resolution first?
  5. marc1967

    marc1967 Established Member

    Jan 19, 2014
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    First, I know this is not your real question, but I suggest keeping the resolution always 53x47 and 42x37 (don't do 51x45 and 40x35). Then have a second layer above it with the black frame that is two pixels in width around the edge. That layer will also be 53x47 or 42x37. It's easier that was, at least for me. But to each his own.

    It's hard to answer your question with words. I'll try with an example.

    1. Starting Image, 236 x 333 pixels.

    Port 1.jpg

    2. Select the CROP TOOL, and make sure the settings look like this:

    Port 3.jpg

    Port 2.jpg

    3. Select and Crop down the portion of the image you want, down t0 53 x 47:

    Port 5.jpg

    4. The resulting images will look like this and is 53 x 47:

    Port 4.jpg
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2024
  6. CashDiver

    CashDiver Member

    Nov 19, 2023
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    I'm not sure I get this stuff completely but the main goal is reached - the pictures are available and displayed fine, and making them this way is much more suitable then just picking a section at random. Thanks a lot.
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