I did not get this weapon after I got the prince out of the temple is it because this quest reward is aligment dependent? Or did I mess something else up, I searched up this fourm and use the guides to make sure I selected all the right dialog choices and all. (didn't chose I want no reward) I mean I got the platinum ring and all, but those thing don't make bad people go away very very fast
You need to have a good character do the conversation to get scather. Neutral good is the best alignment when wielding the sword because you don't get the problems related to CG and CN.
I've gotten the sword, (actually a replica of the sword) when my NG character chose the "no reward necessary" option.
Might as well continue here instead of starting a new thread For "roleplaying purposes", I have decided to add a neutral good party member in my current playthough. However while I could access the book in the tavern and add the member into my party, but actually not be in my awesome party. (As in, the book says the member is in my party, but not so in it's reality) My current party is level 8, true neutral, with 3 guest. (it's my first playthough as you can tell)
So, you're saying you have a five member party with three NPCs and want to add another character from the guest book at the inn? In the TOEE front End Loader, along the top, check the number of PCs to NPCs ratio you have selected in the options section. If I remember right, eight is the highest number of members you can have in a party except for summons and such.
Hmmm, then you should be able to add another PC. Could you try letting an NPC go for now and then adding a PC to your party? And if I may suggest, next time you aren't sure where to post a question try posting it in this thread. Circle of Eight Modpack v8 Final General Commentary & Discussion Thread
As much roleplaying as I would prefer, I think I'll be skipping scather this playthough. (changing setting is a bit too much for me) O yea, and the no reward option does give you reward