Here's a saucy question. Some of you may have noticed Zaxis is not above freaking out and running away in combat, yelling something along the lines of, "Remember, he who runs away lives to fight another day. Some other scared bard said that once." The thing is, all the NPCs have the capacity to do this, complete with scared vocals (which are all too often lacking) and I think I know how to engage this. If it could be done, would you want it? Vote now!
Personally, I'd prefer that NPCs express their individuality in this fashion rather than by controlling their coin purses and backpacks. Isn't more compelling than ?
Well I'm gonna start testing, at the very least it could be applied to the sorta characters who look like they should run away, Spugnoir / Meleny / Turuko etc. Probably dudes like Elmo / Otis / Y'Dey should stand their ground. I think I said that somewhere else (I am such a spammer, it all just runs together after a while). I also think Burne is a coward at heart, I swear I have never believed a word about that 'green dragon' business, despite no reason to think it is fraudulent. The only green dragon Burne ever went near serves pints. :icon_chuc Keep them votes coming!
I know a big, homely, meanass farm girl who'll stand and fight with her cleaver. Bring it on MR Bugbear. Fruella does not flee-NO WAY!
Is there some sort of morale check that triggers this? Any one of the folks you mentioned would run given the proper circumstances... All fellow party members dead, and Iuz is still unscathed...that sort of thing.
Sorry George, I meant to specifically mention that no, she won't be a fleer. Meh, he's a big nancy. According to the module, he specifically hangs back in fights and wants to backstab the party when they are weak. That option is in his dlg file, but whether he ever does it is unknown, at least to me (I think it would require very specific circumstances... now, I know I have said this before somewhere). The Hextor plot is a Troika invention - obviously we have to observe it, but since he is drawn as such a scrawny little runt I don't think it is inconsistent to have him as the somewhat cowardly type (if the situation warrants it). That's something I will look into, if the vote warrants it. I hope so!
Npc's are afterall only hirelings while "Remember, he who runs away lives to fight another day." is true, "he who stands his ground and fights, gets paid!" If you can do it, GREAT, npc's need these sort of quirks to give them individualism, they're people, not puppets!
Right. Plus, remember that cowardice isn't the only reason to withdraw. For a mercenary, if the disadvantages begin to outweigh the advantages, well . . . I guess that's what Spike was getting at.
Are you trying to tell me at if you were hired to do something and your boss died, you'd loot his corpse and get the F* out there not carry on for free?
No way. I'm more the stand-and-deliver type. But if Iuz killed my boss, I'd damn sure have to think about least before emptying the entire contents of my version of the Smyth & Westrealm bullet launcher into his crusty old face. :wyatt:
Damn right I would, and I'd expect any self respecting NPC (especially the evil ones) to do the same, Martyrism is all well and good but why sacrifice yourself needlessly, except for a big pay check?
You have to remember that NPCs are not necessarily mercenaries. Depending on their alignment and their cause, as not all NPCs are after their pay check, maybe as a bonus on the side only. A paladin or LG character would only join for the right cause. On the other hand, Zerg would agree with you.