You can only add an attachment on an initial createpost ,and not an edit? weird Edit 1, much friendlier txt now.. Was all tabbed out and stuff.
-Nomad heres Dev/Helper 2.0 sorry it toke so long, it shouldn't be to hard to add though. Check the readme for changes.
I'm just starting to build the "player" mod... haven't even start grabbing files for the "modder's mod".. Most likely won't be doing that until tommorrow..
damn.. messed that up wanted to delete the file and reupload but I messed that one up. -Nomad this one is the correct one.
Will get that in tommorrow.. going to crash... (Did just hit 20 hours awake today ) Where can I email the Beta Fan Fixes? It's too loarge for a forum post.
The edit looks good. I would add that the item Identification scheme currently in place is temporary and will be revamped in the next release.
Seriously, People need to get back to me on if they want edits for this.. Want to get the ball rolling (as in the closed beta release) in an hour or two.. These sections are where I was hoping to get scrutiny requests for edits 4.0 Support Information Whats the plan? Seperate Forum Here? 6.0 Contributors IS this list accurate? 7.0 Thanks Who wants to say something?