Perhaps I want too much, but I see Ronald as being a well-educated merchant savant as well as an bloodlusty orc-hating cleric archer; however, for balance's sake, I am asking the board's opinion. Note that I originally rolled 16 STR/17 DEX/16 CON/13 INT/18 WIS/12 CHA. 14 STR/15 DEX/14 CON/14 INT/16 WIS/12 CHA - He should be able to handle the mighy composite longbow II and have enough DEX for Point Blank Shot, and with a +4 DEX item, he can use any ToEE archery feat assuming he has the prereqs. Because of his vocabulary and knowledge, I feel his INT is a better fit at 14 than 13. Changes from 5 19 cumulative fixes: STR increased from 12 to 14, DEX increased from 14 to 15, and INT boosted one point to 14. Skill Ranks: Appraise 2, Concentration 4, Diplomacy 4, Perform 4, Sense Motive 2, Tumble 2 - Perform does nothing; unless someone severely alters the game such as via cheating, Perform ranks only symbolize Ron's ability to sing. Since he was from a merchant family, he should have some idea about appraisal and be able to discern a bit of whether someone is true about offers via Sense Motive. Tumble is in there because he has learned a few combat moves from black market friends. Changes from 5 19 cumulative: Appraise increased from 0 to 2, Perform from 2 to 4, and Sense Motive from 0 to 2. -EE
Since your asking for opinions. I'll throw in my two cents. I personally don't generally ever use NPC's or let them join my party. I tried out Ronald because he is a new addition and to see what he had to say. He left my party in a tiff and I suppose that until "I start thinking clearly" or he grows up a bit. I will do little more than politely acknowledge his existance. In my next play through of the game my alignment and needs may be completely different and I will use him or kill him based on my needs at the time. Ronald is an NPC and therefore should be treated as one. He fills in a gap in a party if needed and adds some, flavor to the game and plot of ToEE. Each person that chooses to include Ronald in his or her party will play him, as they wish and as the game allows. You have the option to level a NPC like a PC, and more or less play them or let them be autoleveled. You have to keep in mind that your initial views of Ronald and even his primary class will evolve in accordance with the individual needs of the player. Thus he needs to be balanced for the game and all his uses. With his well rounded stats, he may end up cross classed or never seeing another level as a cleric again. That said I don't think he needs to be boosted up more than his already impressive NPC stats. I would suggest that since he is your creation that his initial stats and skills should be your choice within the boundries stated and the rules. He is a fine addition to the game and as such he will be around along time.
IMO - The idea of a cleric who can actually use a bow is cool. Whatever changes would enhance Ronald as a NPC addition to a party would be cool and are okay with me. Specific changes are yours to decide upon and make for the final release. Note: Just keep in mind the guys who can recite what rules are on what pages of what books and can state what the rules read as quotes might complain and whine a little bit if you go too far with changes.