I'm looking for robe slot clothing that my rogue can wear (and still look like a rogue) in conjunction with a Mother Screng's tatoo. I'd rather have her running around in bra and panties than wear a robe that'll trip her up while she's trying to be all quick and quiet like, but that's just rude.
Try a black monk's robe. It makes your rogue look very cool while she "wears" not only the tatoo, but any other good but not-so-good-looking armor for a rogue ahem*elvenarmor*ahem, specially combining it with a black cloack.
I agree, the red and black coats look good. They are available for purchase in the shop just after character creation. They only glitch I've found is that Half-Elves can't wear the black coat properly -- the torso portion disappears for some reason. The red coat works fine, and both coats work with all the other races (that I've tested). Just Half Elves and the black coat. I wish there were some way when Crafting Wondrous Items to place the enchantments on specific items or pieces of clothing (a la Oblivion); for example, place Cat's Grace/DX on something other than gloves, like robes, cloaks, rings, amulets, etc. I would love to be able to enchant a wizard's hat with IN boost (or CH boost for Sorcerers), and the black coat with AC/deflection bonus, like Natural armor.
Easy fix. If you want to self-medicate, go to your data/rules folder and open the file materials.mes. (Notepad is fine or any simple text editor.) Look up index //22000-22099 long coat. Add the following lines after line 22009 and click save: Code: {22010}{CHEST:art\meshes\robes\Air_temple\coat_black_M.mdf} {22011}{CHEST:art\meshes\robes\Air_temple\coat_black_F.mdf} {22012}{CHEST:art\meshes\robes\Air_temple\coat_black_M.mdf} {22013}{CHEST:art\meshes\robes\Air_temple\coat_black_F.mdf} After that it works like a charm for everybody.
Oh, so I tripped over a known issue that gets resolved with a little patience on my part. Typical. With regards to Wondrous Item crafting .... is it possible to create, for example, a cloak of charisma and then change it to a black wizard hat of charisma?? In other words, place the benefit/attribute bonus on clothing items other than those listed in the Craft Wondrous Items?