How many people would like to see Cujo's latest graphical genius for RED hair color to replace PINK hair color to be included in the Co8 6.0.0 MOD when the Co8 6 MOD is released?
I voted no because I'm hesistant to include things that are matters of taste that replace existing choices with different ones. Improvements, fixes and new content is fine, but taking away something someone may like (not myself, I never use the pink hair) to replace it with something else should be the province of optional patches, rather than core mods, IMO.
how its set up atm, if you want it you can just chuck it in, and if you don't - well then don't put it in. if it was an optional patch in the installer that could work.
If it can be checked or unchecked in the same way as max HP, then yes, please. I don't much like the pink and blue choices. If it can't be turned on and off, then I'd rather it be something separate.
I voted for indifferent to reflect that I really don't care for blue or pink hair as choices. Both should be changed to something else, IMO. I just don't think of this as being a big enough issue for the 6.0 mod, let alone a poll... Now, if purple were to come up, then I might have something to say about it!
I'm prety much with Spike, here - blue, pink, or cherry red don't really matter to me, as they will never make it onto one of my characters anyways. Now, replacing them with some realistic hair colors, that I would vote in favor of.
I agree with Spike about the PINK and BLUE hair colors needing to be some other color. The in-game default PINK hair color is putrid looking. Cujos RED hair is really cool. Good job Cujo, once again. As far as the poll goes, I was curious to know if there would be a community outcry wanting to hang someone if it would be included in the next Co8 public release. Cujo did suggest an optional game install checkbox to change the pink color to his new red color.
Well, I voted "yes", but I would like to make a little clarification here: unfortunately, there's no option "Yes, as an optional modification only" in the poll, so I had to vote "yes", but I really think it should be a separate option in the installer since it's a matter of taste. I can't imagine myself ever creating a character with pink hair, but maybe someone else would?... I don't want to break anyone else's experience with the game even as far as such small details go. - Agetian
I voted no, which balances out Agetian's vote as I totally agree with his reasoning. It should be an optional extra if it can be fitted into the frontend.
I believe Cujo was referring to the actual game install options for his RedHair MOD, not an option in ToEEFE.
I assume it's not possible to expand the number of colors available? While realistic hair colors are nice, I personally like alternate colors, which games rarely have. We are playing with non-humans, why can't we have non-human colors? As for what to do, I also suggest making it optional, either in front end or install, as the modder wishes. @Cujo, how hard was it to make the red hair? I tried changing pc_creation_hair.mes to give green hair. The color box at the bottom of hair selection changed to green, but the hairstyles remained red. @Lord Spike, I too would love to see purple hair. Who's in the pic? It looks like a young Jane Fonda.
to do a really basic hair mod you only need to change one file. its the tga's in data/art/meshes/hair you have to edit. you can find the base files in toee1.dat copy the one(s) you want from there into your main data folder (following the same tree path) and then edit them to the colour you want. it will only change the hair colour, so all the images in the hair interface will be wrong (but your PC will have the new colour hair)
It's not, but I can see why you might think that. I don't know who she is right off hand. Lots of info here: