really stupid questions

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by thisdude, Nov 21, 2007.

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  1. thisdude

    thisdude Member

    Sep 24, 2007
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    i know this sounds stupid but, i really dont understand these things. please bare with a newbie:)

    1.could someone tell me please which is better, 2d4 damage or 1d10

    2. which is better to have, high armor or high dexterity?

    3. is there a cap to armor lvl? it seems once my fighter hits 22 or so for armor, even if i put the armor bracers on, it doesnt go up at all.

    4. i dont know if this is a spoiler or not, but i am dieing to try this excalibur sword.
    could someone tell me what kind of sword it is? (i want to know so i can use a feat to make my fighter prof with that particular sword) and if its worth the 175,000 gold i paid for it. ( i havent actually recieved it yet, and havent ever actually seen it)

    5. if i want to multi class my sorc or wiz, what would be a good 2nd classpath for them?
    any recommendations?

    6. is there a fix for the scather - fragil rock swords in the 4.0.1 patch? or should i just keep giving up on trying to use them?

    thank you in advance for any help with these stupid questions. im not "new" to rpgs, but i never did quite understand them fully.

    one more thing. sorry if this is in the wrong forum, i wasnt sure whether to put it here, or in the help forum.
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2007
  2. Shiningted

    Shiningted I changed this damn title, finally! Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    I'd personally suggest these go in the ToEE forum.
    Armour types don't stack. So if you have armour on, and you add bracers of armour, they don't stack: I think maybe the 'pluses' do but not the armour bonus itself. Best number wins. Eg:

    Half Plate = 7

    Half Plate +3 = 10

    Half Plate +3 AND bracers of Armour +3 = still 10


    Padded armour = 1

    Padded armour +3 = 4

    Padded armour +3 AND bracers of armour +3 = 6 (the bracers get the magic bonus - the 'plus' - of the armour but not the armour's bonus itself).

    I am pretty sure this is how ToEE works. It may be an exploit, I am not sure. But in any case bracers of armour are primarily meant for folks who can't normally wear heavy armour, like wizards and monks. Its most definitely NOT meant for frontline fighters to boost their plate-&-shield armour bonus.

    Bonus types in general don't stack, btw. There are exceptions, but generally speaking, they don't stack. So Guantlets of Ogre Strength plus Belt of Giant's Strength plus potion of Bull's Strength don't turn you into a St Cuthbert-whooping titan - the best one works, the others are wasted.
  3. Half Knight

    Half Knight Gibbering Mouther

    May 16, 2007
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    they're not stupid questions.
    My pnp group been playing for more than 5or 6 years, and still don't get it fully. :writersbl

    Your answers

    1- It depends on you, really. 2d4 do a min 2 damage and 8 max damge, while 1d10 do 1 and 10 respectively. On the average, the d10 do more damage. But it's up to you what you prefer: more minimal damage or more maximum (the percentages of average rolls come to mind, while 2d4 do 4-6 on average, 1d10 do 2-8...)

    2- High armor protects you even when flatfooted (if another go first in one round), while high dex lets you have less penalizations. Also, for spells with touch attack it doesn't mind if you have a full plate, if you are touched, bang.(armor don't apply for melee or ranged touch attacks) But high dexterity lets you avoid being touched (dex DO apply to AC for ranged or melee touch attacks).
    For example: two charcters, fighter and wiz; figh have dex 10 (no bonus) but a scale mail (+4 AC) while wiz have no armor but dex 18 (+4 bonus AC), both have AC 14. If a goblin go first in a round, there is no dex bonus to AC for you (flatfooted), so figh would have still 14 AC and wiz AC 10. But the goblin it's not a fighter but a shaman and cast a ranged spell, so figh have AC 10 (no matter armor), but wiz can avoid with AC 14.

    3-There is no cap. The different bonus types to armor don't stack with the same (except armor and shield).
    For example: scale mail gives an "armor" type bonus to your AC, and bracelets too (it's considered a magical force field), so they don't stack. Rings grants a "deflection" type bonus to AC, so they do stack with bracelets OR armor, but two rings would'nt stack (the better bonus applies, a +2 ring would overlap a +1 ring). A necklace of natural armor would stack with any of them or all, since it grants a "natural armor" type bonus(though body). In the character sheet click on the number you got for AC,and you'll get all the info about that. You can do the same in the combat box, with oponets AC, to see their bonuses.

    4- Sure it worth that. Actually it should not be allowed to buy that thing! It should be a quest or something.

    5- There are lots of threads talking about combinations. "the really big class discussion" i think is one of them. "useful tricks" could give you some hints too. And there are more...

    6- I don't understand that one.
  4. Cujo

    Cujo Mad Hatter Veteran

    Apr 4, 2005
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    4 - it's a cheat weapon and the only way to get it is to console it in.

    5 - just try some out and see if you like them, I would recomend monk for the anarmoured bonus to AC they get from their wisdom score. 3 levels of monk on your wizard wouldn't be a bad way to go.

    6 - huh?
  5. thisdude

    thisdude Member

    Sep 24, 2007
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    hi guys,
    thanks for the answers and advice.

    sorry to confuse with question 6.

    what i meant was, when you get those swords from the prince you rescue from the temple.
    sometimes when i use them, the game freezes. i was wondering if there might be a small patch for this problem some where that i can use with the 4.0.1 patch?

    oh, and about excalibur. what kind of sword is it? is it a great sword or bastard, or long sword, or what?
    and how do you console something in?
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2007
  6. Cujo

    Cujo Mad Hatter Veteran

    Apr 4, 2005
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    6 - no

    there's a stickied thread in general modding called list of console commands.

    but the quick answer is.
  7. Half Knight

    Half Knight Gibbering Mouther

    May 16, 2007
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    You can use them.
    It's not a random problem.

    But when you face a creature that damages you everytime you hit him, the game freezes. So, unequip it in the fire node, or against salamanders for example, and you should have no problem.
  8. Lord UiiU

    Lord UiiU Member

    Dec 11, 2007
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    i am a total newbie too n i have had that same thing happen to me! it happens when u get hit in combat and fragarach or scather hit back comp freezes. if i wait long enough (sometimes 5 minutes...) it might start up again...
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2007
  9. Mielikki

    Mielikki Member

    Nov 25, 2006
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    i have had the same thing happen too...usually when being attacked by creatures with more than one attack per round, like the temple bugbears (nasty little bastards!) it usually unfreezes after awhile. could it be my computer?

  10. Lord UiiU

    Lord UiiU Member

    Dec 11, 2007
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    well, any help would be greatly appreciated! oh, and nice avatar mielikki! hubba hubba!;)
  11. zuluwarrior94

    zuluwarrior94 Established Member

    Apr 3, 2006
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    One thing y'all can try is disabling your anti-virus software to free up some ram. That seems to help me a bit. Of course it's a pain in the @$$ to have to disable my dsl first, but what can you do?

    Try that and see if it helps.

    Okay. Just read the previous posts in this thread and and saw the issue with Fragrach and Scather.

    So, just read what Half Knight wrote and you should be fine.
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2007
  12. Lord UiiU

    Lord UiiU Member

    Dec 11, 2007
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    well, here i am again back at really stupid questions, imagine that...anyway, thanks for the info it helped greatly! also, who is this Mielikki chick? shes PSYCHO!!! :yikes:
  13. ben34

    ben34 Member

    Feb 22, 2008
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    I was wondering the same thing, is there a small patch or bugfix to cure the Frag/Scath freeze up issue. I so far found out why it happens but not how to fix it. It happens when you fight the Baalor or Salamanders or anything that does fire damage to you. I would like nothing more than to correct this bug somehow but have no idea where to start.
  14. maggit

    maggit Zombie RipTorn Wonka

    Oct 20, 2005
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    You have to know how to edit the temple.dll and so far
    only few know how. Unfortunately they also don't know
    how to fix this bug.
  15. Zebedee

    Zebedee Veteran Member Veteran

    Apr 2, 2005
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    I believe it's not just fire damage - it's anything with a damage shield isn't it? (ie a protective aura which deals damage to the user of scather/frag when struck)
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