@ Sitra and any other reactive modder types - I was just reading in the PnP module how Nulb is actually supposed to (surprise!) function more dynamically than it does in ToEE. Specifically, the module states that there are a variety of different types of persons around at any given time (from neutral evil militiamen to Tolub's pirates, etc.) that may among other things respond in varying numbers when certain events occur, such as an outright slaughter at the Boatmens Tavern or the Waterside Hostel. They even say that Otis, Screng, and Murfles may get involved in certain events. Sounds like fun. Might be something to keep in mind for a rainy day, at any rate.
Well I am not a modder but I think this would be a cool add on in a future release of the game. Might really make things interesting when the party in is Nulb and force the group to decide on how they want to play things out while in Nulb and there actions for and against the denizens there. If you start to slaughter then you may get some heavy hitters coming at you. Maybe combine the group that arrives with Ramnos and Gremag or similar types with a SWAT team going after the killers (ie the player)