help. patched toee 2 co8 3.0.2. mona' quest not working. I believe others may not be working either. also it ctd when moving large area's example:from tower in town to inn (anything over one screen i believe). should i delete and reinstall everything, or try co8 3.0.3 beta, or ?.... thnx arkane. deleting and reinstalling did not help. must be in my save game or other files not deleted(uninstalled). co8 3.0.3 nope. during reinstall asked for play disk,app. 1 minute later gives error. install disk not in drive. installing toee 2 error file not present (appeared to be readme file, but may be others?) I took and deleted my old save file started again. quest worked good until fight pirate leader,i punch once it then goes to him winning. also secret doors not showing up.