that wizard in the escape tunnel. his name starts with F, what can i use to kill him??? what spells so i need for my diviner to enchant a fire blade?? (i have fireball and scorching ray, burning hands, plus the craft magic arms and armour feat)
3.5 rules say you need to be 10th level to add flaming, and 12th to add flaming burst, but I'm pretty sure you can do it earlier in ToEE. I think it's 7 or 8 for flaming and 10th for burst. You also need a magic or masterwork weapon to build upon and it has to be in his inventory. (Also bear in mind that adding +1, +2, +3 and such must be done BEFORE adding things like fire and shock, or they can't be done at all.)
Falrinth... I like to have an invisible scout move forward to get in close, then attack with a spell to cripple his casting ability; next, I try a big damage spell (watching out for my invisible friend) before his globe goes up; then move everyone in to beat the shit out of him. Haste is important to this. A coordinated attack by a determined party will succeed, and other tactics may vary.