have a java runtime installed? I confess, I am a lazy programmer (Okay, not entirely true, I did learn python for the sole purpose of modding ToEE and learned tkinter so it would be more fun.) But I am lazy enough that, no matter how many times I try, I cannot learn Windows GUI programming (maybe it's some kind of moral... I mean mental block or maybe it's just because Windows requires me to do something that only Windows requires me to do and do and do and.....) I ask merely for information?:no: Darmagon
Yeah me too. And if they had it would make things so much easier for me now. You see the thing is I am working on my protos update tool and I wanted to be able to include it with my Elmo release without having to also include a new protos.tab that has only one new entry. My idea was to just release the tool along with a file it could use to patch in the new line for elmo. But it needs a GUI. I have a command line version of the tool but don't want to do it that way because of the potential for mistakes and the complications involved with using such a thing in windows. ie open the command prompt, goto this directory, type this in exactly as you see it etc..... Most people are not conversant with doing things this way and the error potential is huge. Anyway, I guess I will just include the new protos in the elmo release. And, since I can't rely on java, or python or perl or the windows scripting agent or anything being installed on everybodies box, I am going to have to dig out "Programming Windows" dust it off and learn the damned stuff all over again.....sigh Darmagon