Hey... Quick Question... Where is thedefault installation directory for ToEE? I always put all my games in a C:\Games folder.. IF I had left it alone where would it be installed Also, Try to use a non-traceable handle/nick when using these forums, or the atari forums. Not I think they would, but If Atari/others wanted to they could cause us trouble. From the ToEE Readme.txt. "Disclaimer ---------- You may not modify, enhance, supplement, create any derivative work from, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise reduce the Software to human readable form. "
License agreement? What license agreement? I don't recall signing any licensing agreement... Seriously, these kinds of shrink wrap license agreements haven't been tested in courts afaik, and I'm not sure how well they'll hold up. Same goes with most websites' click-through licenses. Try printing one out, crossing out/changing stuff you don't agree with, initial the changes, sign at the bottom when it looks good to you, and get it notarized. That'll make your version just about as valid as theirs in courts.
Yeah.. they COULD try and sue you.... but, they can't prove any damages to sue FOR, while you can show tons of proof that the Mod Community helps SELL games... At worst, they'll send a "please stop" notice... and that's only if they TOTALLY want to piss off the whole community. This is where the "Official Mod Group" comes in handy... not only would be be 'licensed' to do this, but we might even be able to finesse some documentation from Troika... maybe.