The world builder keeps giving me an error stating that it requires Whats this mean? Its disabling me from using the editor. And I apologize in advance if this is the wrong area to post this concern in. is a file that stores all object prototypes in the game (e.g. weapons, armor, creatures, and so on). It can be found in one of the dat files, most certainly in ToEE3.dat. Grab Zane's ToEEExtract and extract the .dat files - you'll find all the necessary files inside the .dats. Hope this helps. - Agetian
Hey Kam, why don't you try reading the documentation that came with World Builder. It will answer a lot of your questions about it. Once you get it running, do the tutorials as well. They also will answer a lot of your questions about modding the game. If you have a Co8 mod installed, you can find in the data/rules folder in your ToEE root directory. Description.mes and long_description.mes are in the data/mes folder. Just ignore the following post by ShiningTed. He likes to repeat what I say. :grin:
Dude, you're working too hard! He'll want the latest one, which probably bears very little resemblance to the one in the .dat Kam, is the most important and most modded file in the game. Use the one in Co8 4.0.1, in the data/rules folder. Edit: O sure Blue, edit your post to make mine redundant, thats mature
Copy it to anywhere you like, as long as it's not in the original folder. (This is to prevent Bad Things from Happening if you induce some crash-to-desktop-worthy flaw in a critical file, then you can just use the copy to restore the original and go back to playing.) Blair "Don't touch that." "You touched it, didn't you."
Just put it in your ToEE World Builder folder, along with, decription.mes and anything else u might need / want to mod. Don't forget to copy them back again to the appropriate ToEE game folder before using. Ted "I'm just going to have to get me a new giant."