Ok, maybe this is a dumb question, but im having trouble getting the protos editor to work. the protos.tab loads, but the only field that i can edit is the first column of index numbers. how do i go about editing the other values? please advise. OK 22 views and no responses. Even a f*** you, Obex would have been something. I guess its back to notepad editing.
F*** you, Obex. Ok, seriously.... I am currently doing, not sure about everyone else who was, a Proto Editor. Matter of fact I basically have re-written JaDE over the last few days (while watching post season Baseball so things are going a little slow). I have angled it more towards a real Editing Suite for the various files, rather than a viewer with a few panels for ediitng as an after thought. It should be sometime this weekend when I post the build, hopefully with full dialog editing and mostly every proto type with a seperate data panel. In the meantime, Wordpad wouldn't be my choice. I would try to use Excel, if you have it, or Access, or OpenOffice. However, the MS poducts do have a 255 field limit, so take heed. Although if you just want weapons, armour, etc... not NPC/PC info you should be good to go.
Re: Re: Protos.tab editor question Sweet - this is the kind of think I just don't have the time to do but would if I could. Keep up the good work
I noticed that it was viewing only and offered my programing ability early but no body said it was needed. I thought someone was going to make a proggy. Anyway I decided yesterday to make a simple one and will post it in its own thread, and maybe the tools thread.... Like I said it is just a simple thing right now.