Project: Spawner Mod (demo included)

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by Agetian, Aug 17, 2004.

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  1. Agetian

    Agetian Attorney General Administrator

    Aug 14, 2004
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    This is the demo of the Spawner Mod which I'm currently making. The Spawner Mod is a mod which will make spawning new objects on ToEE maps a lot easier by creating all the required scripts (with templates for spawning) and overriding all known spawning problems (such as the delaying of heartbeat events - see the "SPAWNING CREATURES!" thread).

    The demo version includes support for only one map (Hommlet Exterior) and contains a demo script that spawns a bugbear near the party's starting location in Hommlet.

    The full version will include support for all maps, automated ToEE 2.0 / ToEE 2.0 + CoE / ToEE 2.0 + Custom Mod installation and uninstallation, detailed scripting documentation, and possibly a MOB FILE EDITOR!

    Make sure you read the associated manual before installing !!!

    P.S. In order to get yourself acquainted with the subject, please read the "SPAWNING CREATURES!" sticky thread in this forum.

    Any suggestions are welcome.
    - Agetian.

    Version 0.2 beta - more maps, bugs fixed, no longer uses global variables at all, basic mobedit included, more in-depth documentation.

    UPDATED: Version 0.3 beta - automated support for ALL maps in ToEE! I totally rewrote the engine, so read the readme before using! Now you can spawn creatures on all maps and even add support for your own custom maps if you ever make them. Requires .NET Framework v1.1.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Aug 19, 2004
  2. Agetian

    Agetian Attorney General Administrator

    Aug 14, 2004
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    NOTE: There's an issue with the v0.1 demo right now... The files that are supposed to be in the folder "modules/ToEE/maps" are instead located in "modules/ToEE", so in order for the module to work correctly, you must ensure that the folder "Map-2-Hommlet-Exterior" is moved to the "modules/ToEE/maps".

    I'll post a fixed and improved version soon (I managed to get the system up and working without the global variables at all).

    - Agetian

    UPDATE: v0.2 uploaded - the bug described in this reply is no longer existant. See above for download.
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2004
  3. Agetian

    Agetian Attorney General Administrator

    Aug 14, 2004
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    There was a post on the Atari Community forums regarding the Spawner Mod scripting, but unfortunately I'm unable to post there because the system won't let me register with my free e-mail address (and I don't have any other one :( ... ). Anyway, the question was where to put the scripting commands like:

    game.obj_create (.....)

    Alright, provided that everything is done correctly (the Spawner Mod is installed, complete with all the MOB files, scripts, updated, and cleaned map cache), you should open the script that corresponds to your map (e.g. py00807 spawner for the Hommlet, etc.) and put the commands under the line that says:

    #add your objects to spawn here#

    Then, you should launch the game and see your spawned objects on the map.

    I'm still working on the ToEE Mod Studio, which will allow for a more simplified and automatic way of both installing the Spawner and adding objects to maps.

    Take care!

    - Agetian
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