So I wanted to make a party of all casters figuring I could get around not having a rogue or just not being able to get every chest. Enter the problem, at the end of the Chaotic Neutral vignette you are required to open a chest in order to get the note that takes you to Hommlet. The locked chest apparently REQUIRES someone with open locks skill. Trying to use Open/Close fizzles, and I'm stuck before even getting started =( Help? Anyone?
I was thinking about it this morning, isn't there a console command to "summon/unsummon" NPC characters? If so, I could borrow one of the NPC Rogues just long enough to get past this obstacle. Does that sound feasible (if not a big hassle)??
Hmm, this problem has bugged me a couple of times too, how about we add a scroll of knock to the other chest (near the small air elemental)? Or maybe just a key for the chest?
The first chest was able to be opened with the open/close spell which then provides a key for the locked door. Considering how early this is in the game, I could just start the adventure up from scratch and allow the temp-rogue to die a quick death somewhere. Kinda sucky to have to do that though/ Would it be possible to add an NPC Rogue to the initial room? Probably more work than benefit though. Didn't know if the Vignette areas were easier to manipulate or not.
eh? there are already 2 chests on that map (1 by the air elemental, the other sends you to Hommlet) a 3rde chest may cause undue confusion (not to metion headaches).
Give the PC with the highest dex the open locks skill. S/He may not use this skill that often, but at least it's not cheesy. If that doesn't do it, try consoling in a scroll of knock.
I tried that using the character editor, however I don't get the option to open locks from the task wheel =( I'll try using the console to bring in a knock scroll as suggested. Will let y'all know how that goes.
D'oh, reading posts while tired and drunk is not recommended... removing the lock might actually be a better idea though.
Are we going to get into this again? *Channels Livonya* It's simple. If you want at Chaotic Neutral party, you are going to have to start with a rogue. You can get rid of him or her later. I see no reason why we should try to make every possible option available to every possible party configuration. I personally think it is foolish to play 4.0.0 without a rogue anyway. Advanced players may want to try it without, but I guarantee that once you reach Temple Level 4 you are going to be back here whining just because you don't have a rogue.
If the option doesn't come up, give the most likely one a level of rogue & see what happens. That one can always take the rest of their levels in some type of caster. What about making that one a bard?
I was planning on my casters being able to use open/close lock for simple chests, and Knock when it becomes available. In theory I should be able to replicate most rogue benefits through spells. But it strikes me as inane that the creators of this vignette make it so that you absolutely had to have a rogue in your party before even getting to hommlet. So much for thier beta-testers =P I haven't created a knock scroll using the console yet, been busy with my main group down in level 4. So far I don't see why you think a rogue is neccesary there, but I've only finished about half of it.