Paladin's Cove beta release, and feedback

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by marc1967, Jul 6, 2024.

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  1. Pygmy

    Pygmy Established Member Supporter

    Oct 8, 2010
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    That's why loading your saved game is very likely to cause ToEE to crash as it infinitely unlikely that you managed to produce a save game that used NONE of the now unsupported Temple plus content....
  2. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    Just to be clear, are you running Paladin's Cove from the Co8 front-end or still using T+ to launch the game? If the former, it shouldn't affect anything.
  3. Legion

    Legion Member

    Jul 15, 2019
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    ...OH! Yeah, I'm running it off of the Co8 Front-End. That's a relief to hear, Sitra, thank you!

    Unfortunately, that still leaves me with a very real bug to deal with it, but that still narrows things down. The Crossings is... yeah, not functional for me in its current state haha.
  4. marc1967

    marc1967 Established Member

    Jan 19, 2014
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    Glad you're enjoying the mod, have fun Legion!

    Right now, unfortunately, that's the only way to add the historian. But I will definitely make a change ASAP to allow you to add him when your group is full. His rescue is of paramount importance to the plot which follows. I'll probably make him an "ai" follower, if your group is full. He'll float along like a summoned creature in that case, instead of appearing in the group of 8. (I really thought I had accounted for that, but it seems I never got around to it :()

    [ Edit: I just quickly tested out recruiting him an "ai" follower, and I was able to rescue him OK.]
    If you want to try it, you can change one line of code in the file /data/dlg/00629evian.dlg

    {1209}{I'll be back soon.}{}{1}{}{0}{}
    {1209}{Alright, come along then.}{}{1}{}{0}{pc.ai_follower_add(npc)}
    Just get him home quickly, LOL, I can't guarantee it will work perfectly.

    As for your main bug, the severe sluggishness at the Crossroads, oh boy. It's easy for me to pass this off as Temple+ issue, since I haven't had any problems of that severity reported before. But there's no way to tell for sure. And it's impossible to track down without a saved game. All I can advise for now, is to try reloading from a previous save, and see if it repeats. They try a fresh start without Temple+ and see if it shows up again with a fresh game. If it does, I'll definitely grab your saved game and take a deep dive into that problem.
  5. Legion

    Legion Member

    Jul 15, 2019
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    That edit for the historian dialogue worked like a charm, thank you!

    If you'd like, I can send you my save and you can take a look? I don't mind, I've just made so much progress without any issue that I really don't want to have to start over haha.
  6. Legion

    Legion Member

    Jul 15, 2019
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    Also, is there a way to botch "Kaleela the Teenage Witch"? Again, 8 PCs in this group. :p Or can I use the same dialogue hotfix, do you think?

    (Also, how does one spoiler tag things?) Neeeeeevermind, figured it out!
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2024
  7. Legion

    Legion Member

    Jul 15, 2019
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    Hope y'all are having a good Thanksgiving!

    Update on the Crossroads bug, I spotted something while desperately trying to pan around at the speed of a snail (or a vanilla carrion crawler, as it were). Marc, are you aware if there is a particle issue around the Crossroads sign, the one that has arrows pointing to Trenn and Rhondi? When I looked over there, there were a LOT of butterflies hanging around the sign. Like... a concerning amount lol. Plus there was this one tiny... thing circling around the sign that had a green glow around it? I think it likely that if that's not the issue, it's at the very least not helping things with all the particle effects. Re: the antique shop, it's probably the items that are all over the place that were causing problems in there (if I were to guess, I obviously don't know for certain). I think this likely checks out re: Mabon's Hut as well, it's not very far from the sign.

    There is a bug in the Hidden Stronghold:
    When fighting Thulameg, they like to cast Desecrate on the party early in their routine. A party member leaving the area of effect of the spell and then re-entering it at any time causes a crash.

    Can you kindly give me the solution to "A Thief in the Night" and "Here Kitty Kitty"? I swear, I've looked everywhere I know, but that thief and that cat literally might as well not exist lol.

    Thanks again for being awesome! :D
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2024
  8. marc1967

    marc1967 Established Member

    Jan 19, 2014
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    Oops, it looks like I didn't leave an option to bow out of that quest if your party is full. I assumed if a player didn't want to do it, they would just recruit her and then immediately dump her. But obviously, you can't do that with a full group.

    So, I'll add an option to Myella's dialog, and post a patch file here for you later today. I want to test it out a little first.

    Her dialog (Myella), will now have an option when you give her a report. When you select "I haven't really talked to her about it yet.", you can then select a new option that says "I really don't want to do this quest".

    I don't want to do an "ai" follower for her, because she's a real recruit. The "ai" is fine for a rescue mission scenario.

    PS: out of curiosity, is your group 8 PC's or are some of them followers?

    EDIT: I've posted the new dialog file for Myella, The Guildmaster of Stone. It's about 4 or 5 postings down from here. It will now allow you to give up on the quest if you want.
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2024
  9. Legion

    Legion Member

    Jul 15, 2019
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    That makes sense and thanks in advance for the patch!

    My party is 8 PCs. I don't usually run with recruitables, but I think I will be the next time I play this! The ones you have in the game seem varied and interesting.
  10. marc1967

    marc1967 Established Member

    Jan 19, 2014
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    You too. Yep, that's there I've been. I took a few days off for the festivities.

    You are DEFINITIONAL on the right track, and probably 100% correct.

    I'm almost certain, as you deduced, that it's some combination of all that spawning in the antique shop, and the particles outside by the crossroads sign. Is it one or the other? Or a combination? I really don't know. But I'll be looking into it right away. It's the first item on my "to do" list.

    When I released the mod a few months back, that was on of the few places I still had some issues (the same lag). It only happened occasionally, which is always very frustrating, but I released it anyways hoping it was just my play-style that stirred up the problem, and nobody else would run into it. It seems you are one of the unfortunate one's who ran into it.

    Have you tried going back to a previous save (before entering the antique shop), and see if it goes away? Try to enter the shop for the first time again, then leave and see if the lag is gone. If it's all fine, the problem should never show up.

    And just to clarify, I'm assuming you got thru the Battlefield quest without this lag? And it all started when you got to the peaceful Crossroads?

    Hmm... I'll try to recreate that. It may be a long-standing bug with that spell, or it may be something stupid I did.

    I apologize to people if those turned into situations where your roaming around for hours in frustration. Not my intent. It was hard to tell when I played-testing them, since I know the solution. :)

    "A Thief in the Night"

    The thief appears only at night, down by the captain's boat.
    It's the boat from Nulb from the original game.
    You need to be sneaky.
    Full Spoiler:
    Only PC's who are sneaking or invisible can find the thief.
    A solo PC is is suggested.
    All other PC's must keep a fair distance away.
    When the PC walks along the dock next to the boat, the thief will appear.
    The thief swims out of the water with a splash.

    "Here Kitty Kitty"

    There's a well behind the Guildhall.
    The well is Cold. Dark. Deep. Wet.
    It can be hard to tell, because of how map clipping works...
    But you CAN walk behind the Guildhall.
    Full Spoiler:
    When you look inside the well, there is some cat hair.
    You hear a cat meow.
    Put some food into the well and close it.
    When you re-open the well, the kitty will be there.
  11. Legion

    Legion Member

    Jul 15, 2019
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    Thank you! Yes, the battle at the Crossroads went off without a hitch. It's only now that it's all peaceful that things are going wrong. Unfortunately, I do not have a recent save from before entering the antique shop. :(

    Re: "A Thief in the Night":
    That was on me. I even tried Sneaking once, but the rest of my party was still there.

    However, I do question the fact that the quest still shows up as Botched when I let Fralla go, even though I returned the items to Captain Jorrla and she was pleased enough to give me a reward.

    Re: "Here Kitty Kitty":
    This could have been explained better, I think. I thought the cat hair meant that the cat had fallen into the well and died ;-; lol. I might have run into the well on my own eventually, but putting food in there would have never happened. I do recognize the creativity, though. :)
  12. marc1967

    marc1967 Established Member

    Jan 19, 2014
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    Ah yes, I remember not being sure which way to go in that case (completed, or botched). Eventually I just flipped a coin, figuratively.

    If you think it should go as completed, I can change it. I'm open to doing it that way.
  13. Legion

    Legion Member

    Jul 15, 2019
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    Hmmm. I think if Jorrla walks away satisfied, then it should be Completed. I'm guessing that if you just palm the things Fralla stole from her that she'll be disappointed you didn't find anything else? That should botch the quest.
  14. marc1967

    marc1967 Established Member

    Jan 19, 2014
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    Here's the updated dialog file for Myella, The Guildmaster of Stone. The file name is 00624myella.dlg.

    She will now allow you to give up on the quest to recruit her daughter ("Kaleela, The Teenage Witch"). This will botch that quest. There is no harm done in botching this quest, except for the loss of XP for not finishing the quest.
  15. Legion

    Legion Member

    Jul 15, 2019
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    And it works like a charm! Thank you!
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