I thought mother Schreng usually shows me it, but she is not mentioning the Temple... Otis died in an adventure with my party... Lareth is dead. Who does my party need to talk to , to find the temple now ? :shrug:
I tried the hostel, and my character(on this quest I have only a cleric and zaxis the bard), must not have the diplomacy/gather information. For now I used the console game.fade_and_teleport(0,0,0,xxxx,Y,Z) , and managed to find the guard and tower ruins.
The woman on the right corner (the one that tell you to fuck off :icon_chuc ) has a map to the temple...you could use pickpoket or... a less diplomatic solution :evil_laug like cleaning them all if you defy Rentsch, use sleep, and loot her (that's a way without having her killed) Also i think that Terjon should mention something...