ok, maybe someone remembers i was trying to get a vrock in party. well, now i got a.. heh, sort of a problem: vrock is no more! i mean, i change my character's id to the vrock i created: human model and texture on my PC. ok, i try a standard vrock(from which i got the customized vrock): human. i try the vrock guardian: it's an actual vrock. so now only god knows what will happen when a vrock is going to appear to kick my teeth. now, i don't think i've edited the standard vrock with toee world editor: where should i look to get base vrocks back into the game? i tried to compare vrock and vrock guardian, but they don't have relevant differences in protos.tab. help?
All the creatures in 5.0.0 have been edited to conform better to D&D 3.5 rules. The Vrock is the standard Vrock now.
what i mean is, the first time i edited the protos.tab file i could have a vrock character in my party which actually looked like one, but now the vrock model is no more, my character isn't looking like a vrock anymore but has the vrock portrait and its powers(vrock spores spell, etc.).
Lets break this down, because right now this is about as clear as MUD to me. By editing the protos.tab file do you mean. A. you created something with a new protos number for yourself to work with using one of the protos numbers that is a vrock (Vrock = 14258 or Vrock Guardian 14361)-This is what you should have done. or B.That you edited one of the existing (Vrock = 14258 or Vrock Guardian 14361) Vrocks and saved your changes over what was already there? - This would cause whatever changes you made to be for all vrocks using that proto number not just your own. In one sentence you express suprise that your character appears in the game as a human not a vrock, and in another you say you made the edit to make this happen, so why are you suprised? If I am reading this correctly, you are saying that you have made the Vrock (Vrock = 14258) look like a human? Again the vrock you are working with for your PC should have a new protos number, not one of the existing vrock numbers you used as a model, for your protos number. Like I said in the beginning of this post you are not making yourself very clear at all. I am not making fun of you for this, I just need you to work with me to clarify what you have done and what you are trying to fix. Please try again and use the protos numbers to illustrate what you are trying to say. Once we are understanding each other, I will try to help you the best I can. Okay?
yep yeah... nope. i created a new proto(14743), which should have been a Vrock, but it's just a human model with vrock qualities. as i said, the first times i tested the changes, it was all ok(i mean, i had a vrock as a playing character), but after some editing, the vrock model changed to human model. both the new proto i created and the original vrock proto(14258) are human models(i'm talking about their appearance), but i'm pretty sure i didn't edit the original vrock proto(14258).
Ok, now I can make sense of what your saying, thanks. Let me think about it for a minute. I'll post an answer here as an edit in a bit. It would help me if you could zip up the protos.tab file, description.mes, and long description.mes files your using and post them here so I can have a look in the World Builder, I think I know what is happening, but would like to be sure before I post.
Hey just a few quick questions, 1)where did you originally copy the protos you edited from? 2)what version of the game are you trying to use it with, ie 5.0.0, 4.0.0 4.0.1? and is it the same game you copied the uneditted file out of? (I am trying to establish whats overwriting your protos in the game that's causing your problem.) Oh yeah are you only using one protos editor, (World Builder or Phalazar's) or have you been using both(this one probably doesn't matter, I'm just curious)?
what do you mean? if you mean the protos.tab file, i copied it from the toee world builder folder(but it's the same as the one i the rules folder), if you mean the prototype entry in the protos.tab, i just pointed to a vrock and then created a new proto same to the original and customized it. 5.0.0 toeewb, as said before.
Well I don't know if this right, but what I think happened is that you created the Vrock, then put in the latest cumulative fixes, then copied your protos back out of the world builder folder over the one that came with the cumlative fixes is this correct? Because you can't do it that way, and if you did it would cause these problems. If I'm right I will explain the correct procedure to you, if not I'll look for something else. One other thing, this wouldn't cause any problems other that being confusing for other people looking at the protos, when you create a new protos number, like you did you should also edit the name, so you don't end up with two protos ID numbers with the same name, like Vrock in this case, just rename yours to something like Vrock Mine, or My Vrock, or George or whatever. The program doesn't care so it wouldn't cause any problems it just makes it easier IMO
actually, i installed Co8 patch and cumulative fixes before i started even looking inside protos.tab.
I was just wondering because your protos doesn't match with the one from the latest cumlative fixes. So thats not your problem then, until you try to add the next fixes anyway, you will be okay as long as you compare your changes into the updated protos, when you try and do that. IIrc you were doing this from the Vrock tutorial, I'll keep looking and post if I find the problem, and an answer As far as that goes anyway, I have tested all three of the protos by spawning them in and they all look like vrocks, and I'm not having any problems at all with them. From a protos standpoint anyway, its not going to screwup anything else in the game. The PC you created, and are using this vrock for, is a hex edited player character file right, if so then it should look like a human, and have vrock properties, if I am remembering that tutorial correctly, if you want to just spawn a Vrock straight from the protos to see what appears type create 14743 from the console and you will have one in front of you.
hm, thanks. well as i said in my first posts, if i hex edit my character to a guardian vrock, it actually looks like one, it's just the standard vrock and the vrock 14743 that aren't right(but the first time they were ok, meaning that i had the character looking like a vrock). i'll try summoning one anyway. EDIT: ok, i tried the "create 14743" command, and it summons an actual vrock. so the problem is the character i think, but i tried to make a new one, and it still looks like a human.