Official notice about Mod Studio 2004

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by Agetian, Apr 29, 2005.

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  1. Agetian

    Agetian Attorney General Administrator

    Aug 14, 2004
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    Official notification about Mod Studio and further tool development

    Within the last month a lot of people were trying to use the mod studio 2004 project and have met serious installation and usage problems. Unfortunately, modders met serious problems and bugs using the studio, which led to sad, but true statements like this:

    Yeah, I would agree here that the version that currently exists contains a whole lot of bugs that unfortunately were never corrected before due to the lack of efficient beta-testing and due to the heavy lack of time on my side ( I was a "one-man-dev-team", even when I asked for beta testers people on the board were not very responsive, almost no one wished to test the thing)

    Even being the author of the mod studio, I wouldn't recommend to use the program right now for the modding, since it's quite difficult to setup and use and may lead to serious errors.

    Originally I wanted to correct all the bugs in the mod studio 2004 and release a public beta 2 of it, but in the end it turned out that it would be easier to rewrite the software than actually modify it to correct bugs.

    So, the mod studio 2004 is pretty much dead as a project, but I didn't stop working on the modding utilities.

    For those who expect to do some serious ToEE modding and want a unified editing environment for it, I would advise to wait since another, much more detailed and effective, as well as (even at the moment) much less buggy editing software is currently in development, being written by me and Dulcaoin.

    We would like not to release any preliminary beta versions of it to avoid the same fate for the product as for the mod studio 2004, we would also like not to disclose any particular details about the product and can only say that it will surpass the mod studio 2004 in all possible ways.

    Sorry for the long wait, but I can't do anything about it. I can only work on ToEE within the time boundaries superimposed on me by the life circumstances, as well as (I believe) every other modder out there. I still work on the game modding studio, the only thing that has actually changed about me is that I no longer release a bugged, crappy beta version every couple weeks just to see that people can't even use it for any serious task.

    - Agetian
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2005
  2. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Very encouraging news regarding your and dulcaoin's efforts . . . I had a feeling you guys were up to something. ;)

    Don't beat yourself up about the mod studio. As you said, support was poor. And I don't see anyone else really busting their ass to release community dev tools.

  3. Livonya

    Livonya Established Member

    Sep 25, 2003
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    Agetian -

    That is great news.

    Also, my remark about the Mod Studio was not meant as an insult.

    I managed to get it to work and used it effectively. Most functions crash or don't work, but it did allow me to add spawners which was what I wanted it for.

    It is one of those applications that can be used, but it needs a "Use at your own risk" warning, which is why I try to use it as little as possible.

    Plus as noted two mods both trying to use the mod studio on the same map will cause a massive conflict.

    Anyway, I was glad it was out there to be used and didn't want my comment to seem like I was saying that your work wasn't appreciated.

    - Livonya
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