I rescued the two female prisoners from the turnkey; and offered to escort them home to Verbobonc. But the dialog says I don't have any room for followers. I onyl have six party members. I am running 5.02. Please I want to go to Verbobonc.
Do you have any animal companions / summons / rebuked undead / charmed followers, etc? They may be counting against your party limit.
For some reason it wouldn't let me add her to the party either when I had one NPC spot left. I've done that three times now, and if I have 7 total PC + NPC characters in the party it says there isn't any room. She will join without a problem if I have six total. I also had a situation where I had 6 in the party, and couldn't recruit the orcs into slots 7 and 8. I dismissed the one NPC in the party from spot 6, recruited the orcs into slots 6 and 7, and then re-recruited the dismissed NPC into slot 8. I don't know why that worked, but it did.
That would have been because the Orcs are geared to check how many NPCs u have already: if u have 2 or more, it just says no: it doesn't check for how many slots you have open. Hence the PC Count patcher won't help there. Adding a single character, though, will simply mean checking whether the NPC count level is at maximum, a maximum u can change with PC Count patcher. Hope that makes sense.
Thank's Ted, that did make sense. I'm pretty sure that I had a party of five PCs and one NPC though when I ran into the orc situation. It was one of the Nulb rogue sisters, Serena I think. THe only downside to dismissing the NPC and re-hiring her after the orcs joined was that the lower grade elven chain and the magic short sword that I had equipped her with then became her starting equipment, but I when I found that out I just figured that was her keeping a share of the loot. By the way, if you level the stronger orc up as a rogue he does crazy damage with a thrown shortspear to open combat.