While messing around with fixing Vampiric Touch, I decided to investigate ways to return values for various stats for objects. So far, I have: spell.caster.stat_level_get( blahblah ) ** You can substitute spell.caster with things like target.obj, and maybe even attachee/triggerer I've found the following so far that you can return: stat_level stat_hp_max stat_hp_current stat_level_**** stat_gender stat_alignment stat_race Most of it was found by renaming all the .py script files into .txt and letting windows search do the dirty work. But my real problem is this: the syntax for armor class is eluding me so far. I've tried stat_ac, stat_ac_base, stat_armor_class, and still nothing! Any ideas?
Ok, after some more digging, stat.mes and stat_enum contain the variables needed for stat_level_get. The number enums do work in place of the word variable, so try it out, everyone! I am having trouble now trying to find the various AC bonuses of a target, though. IE. Deflection, Dodge, etc.
Just a hunch but I think we can fix a few more spells if we get these details ironed out. I'd be interested in knowing the variable(s) for various attack bonuses - melee, ranged, general, quite a few spells change that. Also if we could figure out AC for Natural Armor, we could add +4 to Righteous Might which is currently missing that aspect. Anyone want to help out here?
If you have a distinct list of what is broken, and how, I could probably look into it. I'm not that familiar with the 3+ ed rules. So I don't immediately know that things may be slightly off