My wife and I are moving into our new townhouse today. I may be only sporadically online until the 30th of August. Hopefully I'll get something written between now and then.
Hail Old Book, I wish you well and I hope the process goes without problems. I've moved all my life so I know how it is, and coincidentally into townhouses! Cheers, Lionel
my best wishes, our last move all i had was my 13 yr old son and his friend, and t hat was moving the accumulation for 6 people....
Thanks, guys. Move went OK, very tired. Now it's time to go through a sea of boxes, and put back together all the stuff I took apart for the move. Still, nice to be here.
I wish I was a sessile organism, so I'd never have to move again. No, wait a minute, then I couldn't elvicthr Happy habitation!