Movable BillBoards Props: art Monster models texture PROPS

Discussion in 'Maps, Textures, and Graphics' started by XVicious, Jan 15, 2018.

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  1. XVicious

    XVicious Established Member

    Jun 21, 2013
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    So mobile Billboard type of monster model art texture,

    this could be use to create objects in the game that originally can not be done elsewhere (givin
    the limitation of animations and the binding of them; I.E. :you cant really make it better then it was or is because then you won't buy new games that are better.).

    Like sprites from earlly 3d realms and Doom 1-2

    2d art on a rectangle or crisscrossed -orintation based on the viewpoint of the gamer.

    I am gonna continue to post some additional ideas here.

    1. Cart being pulled -wagon
    2. croud of people

    The textures can be remapped and animated by scripting textures like pyhton 'game->'
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