Mouse gone wild!

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by BDBmuse, Jul 7, 2013.

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  1. BDBmuse

    BDBmuse Member

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Hi all,

    I'm well into the game (7.7 NC modpack) and have started having a problem with my mouse during combat.

    Basically what happens is that during combat after my 6th or 7th (it varies) PC/NPC has completed their attack, I'll lose almost total control of the mouse. It loses focus and will start scrolling at high-speed in random directions. Once this behavior starts, it will continue in game until I exit all the way out.

    Another odd thing is that the pointers don't change with the action. For example, when selecting an enemy to attack, it won't change to a sword but will remain as the round "walk here" pointer or after attacking with a bow, the pointer will remain as an arrow.

    This only happens during combat. I haven't run into any other action in the game that will trigger this.

    This doesn't appear to be specific to any save. I have fully uninstalled/reinstalled the game several times, using both 7.7 & 7.8 NC modpacks and see the same behavior. I have started a new game from scratch after a fresh install and it will happen during the first scene in the alleyway.

    I currently use a MS wireless mouse, but dug out an old logitech PS2 mouse and plugged that in. Same problem. I even updated to the latest Logitech Setpoint driver. No go.

    Since it happens after a fresh install without importing my old saves, I'm guessing that something has changed on my system but at this point I'm at a loss at what to try next.

    Any ideas?

  2. Zoltec

    Zoltec Pгōdigium

    Apr 22, 2012
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    @BDBmuse You need to clean the mouse exterior for dirts or whatever lies beneath, try changing your mousepad. If my suggestion doesn't solve it, try scanning your computer for viruses. If all else failed, my assumptions are you either have an incorrect driver installed or your computer has been already compromised (zombified).
  3. BDBmuse

    BDBmuse Member

    Apr 21, 2013
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    Thanks for the suggestions Zoltec.

    I have tried 2 different mice, wireless and PS2, so I don't think it's the mouse.

    I run full virus scans twice per week and practice safe surfing :) so I'm think I'm ok there. But what the heck, I'll try that again. And I'm really sure my system has not been zombified, is part of a botnet, etc.

    I'm leaning towards a driver issue and rolled back my drivers, but no difference.

    The thing is this only happens during combat sequences in TOEE - nowhere else. If it were a driver or virus, you would expect to see this during normal use. Unless someone has released a virus targeting TOEE players. :)

    Thanks again!
  4. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    Are you using a Logitech mouse and driver?

    I have a similar problem from time to time with mine,but it doesn't completely go awry.

    I can stop the scrolling by moving the mouse quickly in the opposite direction.
  5. BDBmuse

    BDBmuse Member

    Apr 21, 2013
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    I primarily use a microsoft mouse and driver. When I started having the problem, I switched to an old logitech mouse I had laying around and installed the Logitech setpoint driver. No difference.

    This is more than some minor drift, it will go off in different directions at high-speed, sometimes there will be selection boxes, it's just bizarre. It looks like that part of my system got seriously hosed and there's something about TOEE that's triggering it.

    Oh well, I was planning on building a new system anyway. :) And if I need to reload Windows I might as well wait for that. And I can start fresh with TOEE v 8.0!

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