Hi Folks Attached is a chart listing the minimum requirements to craft any non-weapon/ Armor item. This chart was created in Excel 97, and is formatted to be printed on Legal paper in the Landscape Orientation. Here are a few things to keep in mind when using this chart. 1.) The levels listed in the chart are the lowest level that a character of the class listed could "know" the spell(s) needed to create the item. If the square is blank, a character of that class cannot craft that item. For example a Paladin cannot craft an Amulet of Health, unless he or she is multi-classed as either a 3rd Level Cleric or 3rd Level Wizard. In order to craft a type of item, your character must still meet the minimum level requirements for that "item class". For example, a Wizard who can cast "Shield" at 1st Level, won't be able to craft a "Broach of Shielding" until reaching either 3rd level Wizard, or 3rd level in another Spell-casting Class. 2.) The minimum Level requirements to create a class of item (i.e. Rods) refers to the minimum CLASS level needed to create the item. A 4/5 Level Rogue / Wizard cannot craft Rods, but a 1/9 Level Rogue / Wizard can. 3.) If a Domain is indicated in the Cleric column for an item, the only Clerics that can craft that item, are Clerics with that Domain Power. For example the only Clerics that can craft "Amulet of Natural Armor" are Clerics of the "Plant" Domain who are at least 3rd Level. TRC
Hi Bob Oops !! Sorry about that !! That will teach me to pay more attention when I Copy and Paste in the future. Thanks for the correction. I have corrected the mistake. TRC
Hey thanks TRC After the next release of KotB, remind me to check with you about some of the new items I have added: they are only in protos.tab atm and needed to be done as craftable.
Hi Ted Let me know when you need them tested, added to the list, or whatever. I'll be more than happy to help out. I am going to have to finish my ToEE 5.5 runthrough so I can check out what you have done with Animal Followers in KoTB. TRC
Hi Ted After starting a new campaign and relearning how difficult it is to keep Meleny's "pet" alive for the first 4 or 5 levels of experience, I think it would be an awesome idea to have "Craft Wondrous Items" (collars, harnesses, etc ..... ) for animal followers. I would really like to be able to craft a "Collar of Natural Armor" for Meleny's wolf. TRC