Eh. Here is one idea... Tell me what you think. >--------Displaced Elemental Evil--------< Concept: -Through (some) process, the Temple of Elemental Evil has been displaced from normal reality and is more closely aligned with the elemental nodes and other dimensions. In-Game Implentation: -Elementals - LOTS of them! Plus other critters from the elemental nodes, frolliking around... Respawning... -Might have more complexity; expand a bit on the Elemental factions, etc... Editing Necessary: -Disable door triggers leading out of the temple. -Disable teleport (like from the Nodes? it IS disabled there, right??). -Disable near-exit areas (secret passage from broken tower, etc). -Place elementals in many locations. Stages: Pre-Development: -find out how to disable and re-enable door & teleport triggers in-game, making sure that the PC can not accidently enable/disable them. -find out how to place critters, get them to respawn, etc. Alpha: -implement and test door, teleport functions. -set up/place critters, looking at layout/best suited locations/etc. Beta: -get a working ingame quest start/finish to enable/disbale the door & teleport functions. -brainstorm: something to do with the skull? maybe only after all 4 gems are collected? *shrug* -further refine critter placement, some semi-scripted encounters (critters with each other/fighting, not the PC). Version 1: -playtest for bugs, errors, etc. -try to finalize, stablize. If good: Version 2-ish alpha: -try/find out how to/get the elemental factions to combine/whatever with the corresponding elements. -brainstorm: factions dying from, merging with, dominating, or becoming the elementals they correspond to. Version 2-ish beta: -play & bugtest. Version 2: -playtest for bugs, errors, etc. -try to finalize, stablize. If good: Version 3-ish alpha: -improve quests; get cross-quest connectivity, betrayals, alliances, temp NPCs, perm NPCs, services, powers/abilities, items/equipment... -brainstorm: powers relating to the elements - can one PC get all? or one elemental power per PC? (Ideally suited to a 4 player party). Bonus/combined power for 5th? (Can use all 5 PCs). -brainstorm: more ideas needed. Meh. Version 3-ish beta: -play & bugtest. Version 3: -playtest for bugs, errors, etc. -try to finalize, stablize. If good: REST! Food For Thought: -maybe this could happen AFTER the game is officially "over"? Finding out how to disable the end-game thingy would be necessary... -if it happened "after" the end of the game, there can be trolls from the recuited troll chief; ogres (RE: fire quest); more?