Ok, I finally got into the Temple with Liv's mod last night (too much time bug-testing I tells ya!), I killed the gnolls and ogre near the stairs down to lvl 1 and then tried to loot the barrels. The game CTD. I restarted and tried again. CTD again. Four times. Every time. Also CTD if I tried to loot the ogre or gnolls themeslves. BUT did not if i tried to loot the empty barrels, they opened fine. Any one had this problem? Allyx, u mentioned something similar in another thread you put down to a corrupt save, any other ideas? I am running, patch 1, patch 2, Liv 1.51, PC Count patch 2.0 (4+4 in the party atm), Allyx's ioun-stone protos (been running it since it came out, no problems), and a few of my own sounds, thats about it.
Ok I'll update this for anyone who ever has the same issues - i tested this with a few different protoseses and a few different saves. I have come to the conclusion it was, as Allyx had, a bugged save game (it was indeed a quick-save). So if anyone else has the problem suddenly develop from nowhere, thats probably why.