looking for NPCs in random encounters: boring!

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by 0rion79, May 25, 2005.

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  1. 0rion79

    0rion79 Established Member

    Apr 9, 2005
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    People, how many times did you play the game already? aren't you tired of making up and down from nulb to homelet 40 times or more, looking for Thormel's servant and similar characters that should assign a reward to the party?
    Honestly, I am. The random encounter is a nice thing, but there should be a time limit to that.
    To speed the thing up, for me it would be nice to remove the cap of 1 random encounter per travel. Eveyrtime that I travel from Nulb to Homelet, I always meet no more than 1 random encounter. More encounters, more probability to meet the wished NPCs or otherwise it would be better to just force the game to give priority to the encounter "x" or "y" after a fixed ammount of day passed from the triggering event. For example, Thormel's servants should reach the party after 20 days and they are the first and only random encounter (no more random then) that the party automatically meets when travelling.
    Honestly, from a pure role-playing viewpoint, it is quite non-sense that...
    -Zaxxis spends all the time in the wilderness and never stops in nulb or homelet for resting
    -prince thormel's servants and the elven maiden's messenger (the one with the unicorn ring) keep patroling the area without entering a city and asking for information. If I were one of them, it wouldn't be that hard to find informations about the party of adventurers that I have to find to assign the reward from my lord/lady, a party that certainly had gained a strong reputation and is already famous. Certainly I would be able to discover that they are cleaning up (or working for...) the temple and it would be more logic to wait them near the temple (both the elven prisoners and Thormel know where it is) or in another strategic point, that may be along the road to nulb (and I mean just along the road, not in the wilderness!), inside or in front of the house in nulb or in the tavern in homelet.
    And honestly, another point is that the party doesn't have many reasons to make up & down from the temple to Homelet, except for the fact that the brother smith is closer to the map than Otis, so meeting such NPCs is even harder, without talking when the party has a spellcaster with teleport spell.
    I hope that something may be done for that, cya.....
  2. Ki Rin

    Ki Rin Member

    May 18, 2005
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    random encounters should be beefed up too. they are optional to fight them after all.. sick of seeing weak monsters.. perhaps if they were based on character level?
  3. 0rion79

    0rion79 Established Member

    Apr 9, 2005
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    Would be much more interesting, but it should be random too.
    I mean, when a party travels, usually is because he is wounded and needs to rest. Meeting a very hard encounter with a Encounter Level higher than the party CR may be devasting for the party, since probably injuried and in short of spells. Maybe I can explain what I mean with an example:
    A level 3 party may meet creatures or group of creatures from CR 1/4 (easy) to CR 10 (very hard).
    level 10 party: may meet creatures or group of creatures from CR 3 (easy) to CR 17 (very hard).
    The encountes should me more rare as much the CR of the enemy group goes far away from the party level. As the DM manual suggests, 7 is the top limit of difference. Under it, the party shouldn't get no XP at all, over it it means that the DM is nuts :D
    Last edited: May 26, 2005
  4. Cujo

    Cujo Mad Hatter Veteran

    Apr 4, 2005
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    I'd like to have more than one random encounter per travel.
  5. Lord_Spike

    Lord_Spike Senior Member Veteran

    Mar 25, 2005
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    You need to walk less...

    ...and rest more if you want to hurry up the reward process. Hang for 30 days or so at the Wench, then take a walk to Nulb & see what happens.
  6. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Its consistent with the game, which took into account travel times to big cities far away, then getting the reward happening and sending it off.

    Mind u, since freeing the prince tends to be fairly late in the game (unless u do something cheesy), yeah hanging around for Scather is a pain...

    [Edit: i mean consistent with the module, obviously ;-)]
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