Livonya's Beta 1.0

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by Livonya, Apr 6, 2005.

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  1. Livonya

    Livonya Established Member

    Sep 25, 2003
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    [FINAL EDIT: I am killing this link as I am deleating Beta 1.0 Mod and updating to 1.5 MOD]

    [EDIT #1: Please note that if you already downloaded this MOD then there is a small spell script fix that you will need... see my post below. If you are just now going to download my mod then just ignore this edit note!]

    [EDIT #2: Please note that if you already downloaded this MOD then there are 2 small dlg file fixes that you will need... see my post below. If you are just now going to download my mod then just ignore this edit note!]

    [EDIT #3: Please note that if you already downloaded this MOD then there is 1 small scr file that you will need... see my post below about random encounters. If you are just now going to download my mod then just ignore this edit note!]

    Okay --

    I think everything is done now. Finally!!

    Had a tough time here at the end.

    I have included instructions and change log notes with the mod.

    But I will post that info here as well... in the following posts...

    Here is the link for download...

    [link removed]

    Have fun!!

    - Livonya
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2005
  2. Livonya

    Livonya Established Member

    Sep 25, 2003
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    The Temple of Elemental ChangeLog by Livonya:

    The Temple of Elemental ChangeLog by Livonya:



    Auto save on Map change skips the first_heart_beat script. This is an essential scripting step for many functions. Many of my fixes and additions absolutely need the first_heart_beat. I have tried to work around this as much as possible, but unfortunantly the first_heart_beat is a necessity. So if you re-load from an auto save then you will miss out on some events!!!

    This is true for both my scripts and some scripts designed by Troika.

    In addition, when you re-load from an auto-save the heartbeat event is occasionaly disabled for certain scripts. I find no pattern to this, but some scripts simply do not run properly when loading from an auto-save.

    You should manually save your game before changing maps. This will solve the problem and will give you plenty of saves to return to in case of disaster.

    You have been warned!

    NOTE: for those wishing to adjust my mod, or to add content to my mod:

    I have used game.global_vars[700] to [899] (do NOT duplicate my vars numbers!!)
    I have used game.global_flags[700] to [899] (do NOT duplicate my flags numbers!!)

    If you intend to add content or new scripting flags or vars then please pick a range of numbers that does not include the 700 to 899 range!!!

    These are all changed that I have implemented in my mod:

    - [ beta version 1.0 released 2005-04-5 ] -

    * Fixed 22+ wands that weren't working properly
    * Wand of Command will always issue Command Fall
    * Wand of Remove Blindness/Deafness will always remove Deafness
    * Wand of Lesser Restoration cures a random ability
    * Wand of Restoration cures a random ability
    * Fixed dozens of spells so that enemy NPCs could cast them
    * Fixed 10+ potions that did not work
    * Fixed several Reputations that would not trigger
    * Fixed multiple spells that had errors in their script
    * Fixed multiple errors in file
    * Fixed multiple errors in dialogs
    * Fixed Moat House Gnolls getting damage reduction
    * Fixed Skeletons getting AOO while using crossbows
    * Fixed problem of two-weapon fighting NPCs not using two weapons in combat
    * Summoned skeletons with crossbows will now have many more arrows
    * Compleated coding on evil quests that were never finished or implemented
    * Bodaks now have a Death Gaze attack
    * Gorgons now have a Petrifying Breath attack (of sorts)
    * Basilisks now have a Petrifying Gaze attack (of sorts)
    * Summoned demons will no longer summon additional demons
    * Hezrou now has stench effect
    * Bardic Instruments now come in normal and masterwork varieties
    * Magic Bardic Instruments are now available
    * Fixed Sargen's Broken Quest

    * Re-wrote entire enemy AI with additional scripting (80+ new AI scripts)
    * Created a system for enemy NPCs to attempt to Break Free
    * Created a system for enemy NPCs to use "scrolls" and "wands"
    * Created new system for determining distance in Random Encounters
    * Created system for NPC spell casters to pre-buff with spells

    * Changed experience system for setting off/disarming traps (no experience)
    * The only way to gain experience from traps is to disarm them
    * Added new traps and repaired broken traps
    * Created new trap types

    * Put kids back into TOEE with dialog
    * Added new sub-plots
    * Added new quests
    * Added new dialogs
    * Added new encounters
    * Added new items
    * Added new creatures
    * Changed some content to add realism
    * Added a new merchant (very hard to gain access to)

    * Created special dialog option for Jaroo to solve spell permanancy problem
    * Created special dialog option for NPC inventory manipulation

    * Adjusted hit dice size of some creatures that were simply too easy
    * Adjusted many skill check requirements

    * Major adjustments to Guardian Balor
    * Major adjustments to Guardian Vrock
    * Major adjustments to Guardian Glabrezu
    * Major adjustments to Guardian Hezrou
    -- Do NOT take these creatures lightly!!! They are powerful demons!!

    * Added more uses for Pick Lock, Disarm Trap, Survival
    * Added many, many new uses for Intimidate, Sense Motive, Bluff, Diplomacy, and Gather Infomation
    -- Please note that Feats that increase skills will be useful as some skills need to be very high!
    -- The same can be said for spells that raise Charisma and Dexterity

    * Major change to Spiritual Weapon
    -- Spiritual Weapon was a broken spell because NPCs would attack it with melee
    -- NPCs would do nothing but attack the Spiritual Weapon for several rounds
    -- Thus you could use Spiritual Weapon to win any battle with melee NPCs
    -- I could not fix this, believe me I tried very hard!
    -- Spiritual Weapon now has hit points (25 + 10 x Spell Caster Level)
    -- When weapon is destroyed it will vanish
    -- Spiritual Weapon is still a good spell but not an instant game winner
    -- Spiritual Weapon is still immune to magic attacks
    -- If a better solution becomes available it can be switched back with 5 seconds of work

    * Major change to Sleet Storm
    -- Sleet Storm was a broken spell
    -- It would cause NPCs and PCs to get endless AOO when a prone character would stand
    -- Invisibility plus any AOO other than moving through a threatened space causes a huge bug
    -- This spell was a disaster
    -- It has been changed so that it now does cold damage to those wearing metal armor
    -- It also causes a reflex save: failure causes you to slip on the ice
    -- Unfortunantly I had to change the spell graphics
    -- If we can ever fix the "AOO + Invisible bug" then this spell can be returned to normal
  3. Livonya

    Livonya Established Member

    Sep 25, 2003
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    Instructions for instalation:

    Instructions for instalation:


    1) temple.dll

    This file should go in the Temple of Elemental Evil folder


    1) maps

    The contents of this folder should over-write whatever you currently have in your maps folder

    Temple of Elemental Evil/modules/ToEE/maps

    VERY IMPORTANT!!!! You must go into the maps folder and DELEATE all the strange looking files that are not actual folders!!! You MUST do this!!

    The files will look like gibberish... for instance:

    1 enZ ynvgdijI

    Deleate all these files!!


    1) dlg

    The contents of this folder should over-write whatever you currently have in your dlg folder

    Temple of Elemental Evil/data/dlg

    2) scr

    The contents of this folder should over-write whatever you currently have in your scr folder

    Temple of Elemental Evil/data/scr

    3) mes

    The contents of this folder should over-write whatever you currently have in your rules folder

    Temple of Elemental Evil/data/mes

    4) rules

    The contents of this folder should over-write whatever you currently have in your rules folder

    Temple of Elemental Evil/data/rules

    Also, you need to place the contents of the spells folder in your spells folder

    Temple of Elemental Evil/data/rules/spells
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2005
  4. Livonya

    Livonya Established Member

    Sep 25, 2003
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    Information For Beta Testers:


    If you would like to help me with Beta testing then please look out for the following instances, and report what you find with as much information as you can.

    These are specific things I am looking for. Please tell me about anything not working properly, but these are the things I am most interested in at the moment.

    1) Are NPC spell casters casting spells?

    If you find examples of NPC spell casters that are not casting spells then please let me know.

    3) Are NPC spell casters picking logical targets?

    I spent a lot of time with this, but I can do a LOT more. Any time you see an enemy spell caster make a bad target choice then please give the following information:

    a -- NPC name
    b -- spell that was cast
    c -- target that was selected
    d -- reason why you think this was a bad choice

    4) Are NPCs drinking random potions that aren't helping them win battles

    I added potion use to almost every NPC script. So sometimes NPCs will drink potions that I didn't know they were carrying. This can be good, or it can be bad.

    When it is bad please post the following information:

    a -- NPC name
    b -- potion that was used (if known)

    5) Are NPCs that use two weapons actually using two weapons in combat.

    I spent some time making sure they would, but may have missed some NPCs or goofed some scripts. If you see this happening then just post the NPC's name.

    6) Are monsters too easy or too hard?

    Simple enough, just tell me which monsters are too easy or too hard.

    7) I am still looking for broken quests. So if you find one just post the info.

    8) Spells that aren't working. If you run into spells not working please let me know.

    9) When NPCs are webbed are they attempting to break free. And are they doing so at the right times. For instance an NPC should NOT break free when they can instead hit an adjacent target.

    10) Are NPCs acting strange in combat. I know for a fact that sometimes NPCs will move in strange ways. They are trying to pick targets.

    What concerns me is that they are picking targets and not just moving around aimlessly.

    Also, if an NPC stands still and does nothing during their round of combat then please let me know.

    a -- NPC name
    b -- instance in which they did nothing
    c -- distance to their closest target

    You can just post this stuff on the Co8 message board and I will do my best to fix anything not working properly.

    Thanks and have fun!

    - Livonya
  5. Morpheus

    Morpheus Mindflayer Veteran

    Nov 11, 2003
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    Damn! That's an impressive list of fixes.

    Now have at it, folks. The more people test this baby, the better.

    Let's hear some feedback!
  6. Livonya

    Livonya Established Member

    Sep 25, 2003
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    Morpheus -

    I tried to send you a private message but your message box is full.

    First of all, thanks for the help with the FTTP stuff. SmartFTP was the solution I needed. Thanks!

    Second of all, I didn't have time to add in your Arena of Heroes Mod, so I changed the last line of dialog in Brother Smyth's dialog so that it was excluded.

    To get it back to your Arena of Heroes Mod just change the last word or two back to "old book" and put in your book's ID number... I just wanted to let you know so that you didn't think I was dissing you or something when you saw that it was gone...

    Also, I won't be able to code for a few days... I need a break. But when I get back I will help however I can to get it all into one mod.

    take care and again thanks for the help...

    - Livonya
  7. Morpheus

    Morpheus Mindflayer Veteran

    Nov 11, 2003
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    Well, if anyone deserves a break, it's you, Liv! ;)

    Don't worry about the Arena of Heroes mod, it's been lying dormant for a while anyway. I was kinda tied up with other things.
  8. Livonya

    Livonya Established Member

    Sep 25, 2003
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    Oops... first bug!

    Wouldn't you know it...

    I already found an error... if you already downloaded my mod then please either re-download... I just fixed it or please substitute this spell file!!

    Spell736 - Petrifying

    It goes in your Scripts file...

    Temple of Elemental Evil/data/scr

    I am sure it will be the first of many...

    - Livonya

    Attached Files:

  9. CucoGordo

    CucoGordo Member

    Apr 6, 2005
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    Dunno if this is a bug but...

    When the lil boy was explaining things to me, he had just told me to talk to the villagers cause they knew more info, the "1.More" option was there to continue but I clicked and clicked and nada happened.
  10. Morgoth

    Morgoth Member

    Mar 8, 2005
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    Firstly Livonya kudos to you for some excellent work.

    Unfortunately i seem to have a few bugs to report.

    I installed as follows: Toee, toee patch2, Co8 mod 4, Liv patch- as per your post. (Wasn't sure if this was the correct install but it seemed logical.)

    1. The lawful good intro. The LG caravan survivor joins the party and comes along for the ride to Hommlett. I take it this was not intentional b/c when you try to speak to him you get his intro dialogue and are teleported back to the start point of hommlett.

    2. During combat the characters/monsters disappear, leaving only the background/map visible (unless the mouse is over one of the characters/monsters/objects on the map). This doesn't happen all the time but enough to make it annoying- have noticed it happening eg when monsters are moving.

    Otherwise what little i have seen so far is a vast improvement...
  11. Allyx

    Allyx Master Crafter Global Moderator Supporter

    Dec 2, 2004
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    5 minutes into a new game and found a bug already! Kent's specific info dialogue throws me into a text loop he mentions that jaroo can fix spell permanancy over and over.
  12. lord_graywolfe

    lord_graywolfe Wolfman

    Apr 30, 2004
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    just a quick question. is there anything besides atari patch 2 and your mod Liv that we need to install. cause untill i put yours in there is no map or toee folder
  13. Livonya

    Livonya Established Member

    Sep 25, 2003
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    Damn... not a great start. Sorry.

    I made a last minute change to the kids dialog and didn't check it well enough.


    Here are the dialog fixes... this will solve both problems....

    My sincere appologies... a lot to test!

    I am sure there will be bugs, the curse of being the only tester so far...

    But very sorry!!!

    Just put these files in the dlg folder....

    Temple of Elemental Evil/data/scr

    - Livonya

    Attached Files:

  14. Zebedee

    Zebedee Veteran Member Veteran

    Apr 2, 2005
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    Bah! Do not apologise for mistakes in a beta patch! I've had a great time so far and only popped in to report the Kent loop.. and you've fixed it already.

    This is like having an entirely new game!
  15. Livonya

    Livonya Established Member

    Sep 25, 2003
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    Can you give more info about this?

    I have never seen anything like this, and don't even know where to begin.

    Has anyone else seen this?

    Which monsters?

    What maps?

    I can't even think of anything that I have done that would cause this...

    - Livonya
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