kotb quests ( what now)?

Discussion in 'The Keep on the Borderlands' started by jadedjim, Jun 3, 2009.

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  1. jadedjim

    jadedjim pipeweed conisouir

    Mar 19, 2009
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    kotb quests ( what now,spoilers)?

    im at a stalemate in the mod it appears. where are all the quests? i have like 4 more to do on my log. one is arachnaphobia,which i cannot seem to complete even though i cleared the woods,got the eggs,etc. 2 other quests are not covered in the demo. and there's also 1 mentioned quest about fixing trade relations with the keep,and thats about it. does this game have an ending? i'm looking for secret doors all over.not finding any. i'm using version:1.0.3. is this the final version of the mod? is there a final version of it? do i have to start all over again with another version of kotb to get all the quests and "finish" it? is it not possible to loot the black dragon's chest? thanx in advance for answers. peace.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2009
  2. Shiningted

    Shiningted I want my goat back Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Ooooooooookkkkkaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy... for starters, the newest version is 1.11. This includes a download of 1.1.0 from the ModDB site, and a patch available in this forum. Both are referenced in THIS thread.

    The plot-critical secret doors in the wider world (ie worldmap areas outside the Keep) need to be searched for with the Concentrated Search tool in your pack: the object you used to start the game. This was done to avoid those essential secret doors being broken by the secret door bug. Both the two secret doors you can find (one of which is on the spider map) occur at a place where the map sugests there is somethnig to look for - you don't have to just wander around randomly searching, you can wait til you see something different that makes you think "hmm, might be something here". Other secret doors around the place, such as in the sewers, are findable with the usual secret door option in the radial menu (they will all be consistentised at some later date).

    To finish the Arachnophobia quest, you need to kill the queen and 10 other spiders on the map. There are more than 10 other spiders on the map.

    To open the dragon's chest (a bug I thnik is fixed in the latest version) try casting the cantrip open/close.

    To do the 'trade route' thing for Lord Axer, go talk to the Merchant's Guild.

    If you haven't found the Mad Hermit's map (and associated quests / encounters) try wandering the Keep at night as well as by day. There is also a Mad Wizard - if no-one else has told you where he is, go back to the Lizardman Lair and look at the map on the wall.

    When you have the latest version, you will find the Raider Map also present: you don't get this til you have completed some of the earlier quests though.

    And yes, there is an ending.
  3. jadedjim

    jadedjim pipeweed conisouir

    Mar 19, 2009
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    thank you.
  4. RunningDoc

    RunningDoc Member

    Jun 8, 2009
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    Loving KotB so far.

    I've completed the Spider Quest, found directions to the Tower in the Lizard Lair and
    even got a teaser look at the Raider's Camp.

    This led me to the Castellan's room where I got more teasers and sent to the "Caves", which has not turned out exactly as expected.

    I am dumbfounded about references to the sewers and other quests, however. I'm also puzzled - where is the magic? I have a 5th level party and a mere 8 +1 arrows among the whole group!

    I trust if I keep adventuring I'll find my way to the other quests I see referenced here.

    Congrats on your work. Wish there was a way I could help!
  5. Darthcast

    Darthcast Savant Trooper

    Sep 22, 2006
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    The keep is attacked! Um, by a single tracker. The guards tell me to call Bailiff... But I don't know who he is and where he is. So, where is he?

    Edit: Never mind, I found him... after I went into every building in the keep. Tough luck. :roll:
    Would be nice if the guards also say that Bailiff is in the building to the south...

    Oh, and before that I killed the tracker and the guards just kept on "attacking" and "getting hit"...
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2009
  6. Shiningted

    Shiningted I want my goat back Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Ooo, that IS a bug! I should fix that :blush:
  7. Darthcast

    Darthcast Savant Trooper

    Sep 22, 2006
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    Just to make sure there isn't a misunderstanding, I attacked the Tracker manually from where the "attacked" guards stand, because I couldn't find the Bailiff, just to see what happens. (That means I manually attacked him with a magic missile, bow or anything while he was still green/friendly).

    I'm currently doing the evil wizard / lost adventurers quest. I entered the tower some time ago and like to pass a compliment. I was really impressed by the atmosphere right from the start! The goblin is just great (appearance, dialog), as is the riddle and the whole evil wizard idea.

    Also, I was really surprised that I was able to solve the math's riddle, because I just picked something at random and even though there were so many answers I picked the right one at my second or third try. :suprised:
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2009
  8. Shiningted

    Shiningted I want my goat back Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Thats ok: it goes on your PCs Int score, not yours (maths ability helps though).

    And the Tower was a genuine group effort, glad you liked it :)

    (O and I got what you meant about Billy: gunning him down off the wall from the courtyard should be a viable option and have the necessary effects).
  9. Darthcast

    Darthcast Savant Trooper

    Sep 22, 2006
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    Well, I really don't get how you did it, then... because there seemed to be a lot of options even though my character had a relatively high intelligence.

    The tower was really a lot of fun. Fighting the wizard was a challenge even though my party was already at level 5.
    The fed-ex quest was also fun, I think the riddle about water and shell was a lot more difficult than the others though. It was the only riddle I couldn't figure out by myself. Most of the other items could be found in or near the tower, where the scaly child's toy was even explicitly stated... But the water and shell item has to be bought from a merchant... it was a great quest nonetheless.
    I'm a bit confused about the children though. I didn't want to kill them so I knocked them out and they became paralyzed. They still stood up when I returned to that room later though, and I had to knock them out again. Will there be an option to cure them from their madness in the full game?
    I also did not have the heart to kill the goblin thingy. I knocked him out and left... Would be great if it would be possible somehow to let him join the party if you don't kill him and do a certain quest or anything... ;)

    The magic items I got there might have been a bit too plenty. 2 Rings +X, Dagger +2, Mace +1, Cloak of Resistance +2, a lot of potions... Considering that I almost didn't get anything magic before that, maybe the dagger and cloak should be +1 and the Mace should be masterwork?

    After that I had completed most of the quests I found so I talked to the Bailiff, then to the Redhead who sent my into the castle and everyone congratulated. Then they sent me into a cave, but when I entered the cave I was in a house, leaving the house led to the Keep again. But I guess you know about that, considering how obvious it is...

    I still don't know where to get 50 swords for the priest. Can it be done in the demo?
  10. Shiningted

    Shiningted I want my goat back Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    No idea if there's 50 swords :) There's a bunch in the warehouse, plenty of rusty ones around... there should be 50 somewhere I reckon.

    The broken ending is something that only occured in this latest version - no idea whats up with that :scratchhe

    The magic items will get rebalanced. And those aren't children, they're monsters: backbone, man!
  11. GuardianAngel82

    GuardianAngel82 Senior Member

    Oct 3, 2007
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    But they're such CUTE monsters! ;)
  12. Asklepius

    Asklepius Weasel Stroker

    Sep 19, 2009
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    What to do -- I encountered the temple to Hextor, gave a smart answer, started a fight, lucked out with some well-placed spells and killed everyone (we all leveled up for that one). What quests are foreclosed to me for doing so since all the hextorites are now as silent as the grave? Do I have to go backward? I cant even tell the Bailiff that I kicked their butt, my only choice is 'erm, nothing.' The outer bailey cleric dude seems to know Axer (a former student gone bad?) but made me swear not to say anything then won't talk about it anymore.

    2) Any clue where to find the gift of shell and water, or the scaly child's toy to the east (can't find it in the lizard man cave, unless they mean an ordinary javelin)...

    Thanks for help!

  13. GuardianAngel82

    GuardianAngel82 Senior Member

    Oct 3, 2007
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    You can get the gift of shell and water from the Summoner or Necromancer encounters. It comes in black or white.

    The toy comes from the OTHER (former) lizardman abode. (Take some breath mints!)
  14. Shiningted

    Shiningted I want my goat back Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    The Cleric of Hextor quests pretty much mimic Axer's - go kill some lizardmen, go kill a dragon: depends who you speak to first. So you're not missing much. His last quest is to fetch him 50 swords, and when you do that, it sort of just stops. Likewise that is as far as the Curate's stuff goes in the Demo. BUT Axer himself (if he is still talking to you - a bug of the Demo that you can ransack his private chapel without annoying him ;)) has a couple more quests, though one is very hrd to get to. The other is about establishing trade relations with the Keep: make sure you have a good Diplomacy skill if you try that one.
  15. Asklepius

    Asklepius Weasel Stroker

    Sep 19, 2009
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    KotB Team,

    Well I should have written in 2 weeks ago, I did the last encounter a few times as it was such a challenge that it was rare to get through it (if at all) without at least one death in the party. A few times I've had the amusing situation where the spell-caster is left to fend for herself as the last survivor -- running away and blasting, tumbling running and blasting, ultimately left as the only one alive (she'll have to undo the Post Traumatic Stress with her therapist for years afterward).

    When I first survived, it was so satisfying seeing that golden sparkly flash on every standing member of the party before the 'level up' plus pops onto their icon, salivating at the thought of looting the losers -- but then the demo is over just as the main quest is starting....More, please! Quickly!

    Is their by chance a list of available quests great and small, that can be found and done in the demo version, for a second 'smell the daisies' run to make sure they all get tried?

    P.S. If you have installed the demo and the interface, does that mean that you also have the Co8 mod for the original game as well? Havent revisited the old ToEE game yet, do I have the mod already?

    P.P.S. curious question -- Circle of 8 name and the Greyhawk wizards...any conscious ref to the London group of the 1870s with same name, or is that ref on part of Gygax?

    Thank you Shining Ted and Team, this is a great work.

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