Killed St Cuthbert without cheating

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by HeJason, Dec 9, 2007.

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  1. HeJason

    HeJason JK2 Deity

    Aug 28, 2006
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    He was actually easier to kill than the Balor Gaurdian as you cant use Fragarach on the Balor..

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  2. Zalmoxes

    Zalmoxes Forest Guardian

    Jun 2, 2007
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    Weren't you even "scratched" of ONE HP???????
  3. HeJason

    HeJason JK2 Deity

    Aug 28, 2006
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    That pic is after I leveled up (you get HUGE XP for killing him) Actually, my stone skins took most of the damage and I didnt get that hurt at all.. (you can see in the pic that I still have a few stone skins left active)
  4. zuluwarrior94

    zuluwarrior94 Established Member

    Apr 3, 2006
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    You can cast Stone Skin more than one at a time on the same character? I did not know that.

    I've killed him only casting Stone Skin once. Of course I did have Fragarach (or Scather, I'm not sure which) and had Power Attack maxed. I had to summon several things to get his attention off of me and keep 5-foot-stepping out of his reach so he'd only get one attack on me.
  5. HeJason

    HeJason JK2 Deity

    Aug 28, 2006
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    How did you get St Cuthbert to appear? You have to kill IUZ with in 4 rounds, I dont think you could kill him in 4 rounds using the 5 step method.
  6. chano

    chano Established Member

    Dec 20, 2006
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    How do you get to fight st cuthbert ?
    I know you can fight IUZ but as soon as st cuthbert appear the fight stops and only starts again after him and iuz disappear.
    I have managed to level up to level 17 with 5 characters and have the trollchief on level 11 or 12 and i do not have a chance when fighting iuz no matter how much i prepare before the battle.
  7. HeJason

    HeJason JK2 Deity

    Aug 28, 2006
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    Re: Killed St Cuthbert without cheating (Spoiler maybe)

    You have to knock IUZ out the same round Cuthbert shows up,, then he just yells IUZ!! and stands around.. I set Elmo (who is chaotic good which is needed) to do non lethal damage with fragarach, then I stone skin the crap out of Elmo. Then, every time IUZ hits you, you get an AoO back. With non lethal damage on, he just gets knocked out and can not reply to Cuthbert. Cutherbert just hangs around if IUZ does not answer. Then coup de grace IUZ while he laying there.. Cuthbert will hang around forever, so you can go heal up or do what ever you like. You get big XP for killing him, but is basically immune to all magic and can only get hit with a roll of 20 or Fragarach/scather.
  8. Mielikki

    Mielikki Member

    Nov 25, 2006
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    there is no way to kill St Cuthbert without "cheating"; why would a god just stand around while 5 to 8 idiot mortals all plotted their attack on him? i guess if he just sent a "representation" of himself but his true form would (and should!) smite the bejesus outta ya! heres how i think it should go, after a party "kills" st. cuthbert and they all level up n celebrate, he should show up again with 10 or so stoneskins, energy protection and fireshields attached to himself and his 4 god buddies and start the battle again! ha! just my 2 cents. (well, maybe it was more like a nickle...) peace to all n happy holidays if u do that!

  9. Half Knight

    Half Knight Gibbering Mouther

    May 16, 2007
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    I don't think that the creators had the idea of the players killing St Cuthbert, after all there's no ending for killing him.
    It's a glitch, he only shows up to stop Iuz...but if you killed him the same round, the dialog don't start and there you have the poor guy standing confused...
    In any case, he doesn't stand there while you beat him, of course he fights :yes:

    It is supposed that earthly manifestations of the gods are Avatars, just a form they assume (one of many) to deal with mortal affairs, so actually you can't kill them *, and yes, they probably will return a little bit upset :biggergri

    *in fact, Iuz isn't dead if you kill him, as the ending would demonstrate. Zuggy is another matter since it's bounded on the mortal plane.
  10. Sapper_Astro

    Sapper_Astro Established Member

    Nov 26, 2004
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    What was your character's class HeJason? And what did you arm her with?
  11. Mielikki

    Mielikki Member

    Nov 25, 2006
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    oh, and how do u get the assassin to join your party? i always thought an assassin could liven up any social event...

  12. HeJason

    HeJason JK2 Deity

    Aug 28, 2006
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    All those characters are NPCs, My only PC is a female Chaotic Evil rouge, the assassin was suggested into my group, and he does kick butt. My PC had nothing to do with killing cuthbert however, Elmo did it with the Fragarach sword. You dont have to heal up to kill Cuthbert, all you need to do is have a bunch of scrolls of stoneskin, and have your magic users remember a bunch of stoneskins. Then attack him as soon as he shows up if you want to do it that way. As for cheating, I did not cheat by way of using the console to give myself anything, and did not use the pickpocket exploit or anything like that, and the only bug used in the game was the one to have Cuthbert show up and hang out. My next game I think I am going to make one Bard and go thru the whole game with a suggested group of goblins or pirates, or maybe lizard men. Something like that..
  13. chano

    chano Established Member

    Dec 20, 2006
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    I have a hard time believing this, i cheated once to see what it takes to kill iuz using 5.04.
    I gave my CG 20 level fighter 999 hp , he had 200 left when killing IUZ, and everyone was joining in. This means iuz dealt some 800hp damage , that is 200 per round.
  14. Mielikki

    Mielikki Member

    Nov 25, 2006
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    ok, i never tried suggestion... sounds fun!
  15. HeJason

    HeJason JK2 Deity

    Aug 28, 2006
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    As you can see by the picture, Elmo only has 199 hp, IUZ and Cuthbert are laying on the ground dead. Each stoneskin was about 150 hp, I dont remember exactally how much each one was worth, and I had an inv wiz casting stoneskin on him each round and an inv cleric casting heal whenever the hp got low.. The only way to do it is to have a high level cg fighter class with fragarach or scather. I didnt even bother having the other guys join in, as it is useless because they cant hit them or use magic on them..
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