Hello to all, I can't get it to work on my 2015 MacBook Air. Yes, I have gone through the detailed procedure on both here and the GOG forums. I've downloaded and tried more Javas from 1.7 - 1.8 than I care to think of. Countless wine wrappers and test runs have left me senseless. Memories dance in my head of playing this amazing mod on my PC. Good times. Then the Dark Powers cursed me when I bought this Mac. Taunting me saying that I still need Java 1.6 or better to run the mod...so I go back into the mists and start over again...it is day 3...I think. ...surely there is a more up to date, step by step, more detailed, idiot proof, tried and tested, then tested again method to escape this cursed land of...the base game. PS. I am running the newest version of the mod with the GOG download for Mac.