From what I figured out so far: IWD2 differs from other Infinity games as it has CR (challenge rating) set in creatures file. In other IE games creature would have specific XP award field set. XP from a kill: Get CR value from Creature died (it's not real CR but kind of) Match CR value vs MONCRATE.2DA table column. For example Goblin in Targos docks have CR value 1 which roughly corresponds to 1/4 D&D 3.5 CR Evaluate average party level and match it against row in that table. Divide by two, floor. So Goblin's XP for Level 1 party would be floor(75 / 2) = 37 Also there is unfinished code here: gemrb/../game.cpp
Interesting thing about XP splitting among party members. So if there is 37 XP to share for 6 PC, then they will receive following: 7, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6. In ToEE all of them would receive 6))