How does one create and install new items for the game? One of my complaints about the game has been how boring the items in the game are, very generic, lacking character, etc. All the game really has are gneric weapons with a limited set of features, generic buff items and a very few items with actual descriptions and unique features. A lot of things in the game (and thus the game itself) could be made more interesting with an extra ability or two. Like......... Unicron ring Gnome ring Black TXGY Scarab to name a few. I found another mod (vickswedge) at the sorcerer's place which hosts a lot of files for hacking TOEE. This mod makes an attempt and what I'm talking about (usually overdoing it, but.............) making already existing items more interesting and adding a few more. It also gives certain items bonuses to certain skills like the troll bone armor having an intimidate bonus. Frankly, I'd like to see some of these mods fit into the current released mods now available. What i'd like more than that is and actual item creator that makes it easy for us non-programmers to incorporate such item mods ourselves. Question: is there any such item creator in the works? Is it even a realistic goal? If not, how hard is it to learn how to import item mods into the game with existing mods? I know I'm asking a lot, but, just checking as to what is possible with this game and this forum. Thanx
I already made a post only for V&W mod and I think that those items are just too overpowered, thus the concept behind it is good and I would like to do the same, adding MINOR bonuses to make some items nicer and adding some variety, even more if the party has to defeat somebody that may use those item against the party itself!
Ayce, I had the same problems as you, if you read "Hi im new and lost" post you might get some answers
Note than any modding that unbalances the game too severely is not likely to make it into any official mod pack. So a "superpowered treasure" mod like V&W wouldn't run w/ Co8 3.0.4, for example, unless you built it around it.
need an item creator. Right, all I'm saying is the game would be a little more interesting if certain items like the gnome ring, unicorn ring, scarabs and so forth had some unique properties. Or if certain items gave skill bonuses and so forth. Also, I have no idea how to add items into the game, is there or will there be some sort of item creator (or at least a tutorial on how to add new items into the game)? No one has responded to that part of my original post.
Don't worry. I have an exam soon, but after it, I think to end what I started and to pass to Lyv some item that I'm adding to the game, taken from D&D 3.5 dungeon master manual. So just official stuff, like rings and scarabs. There are just some things that I just don't know how to develop because there is nothing similar in the game, really!