hello ive just had my 1st playthrough on the 5.5.0 front-end and there are a couple of issues, (though not sure if its a gaming thing or a bug)... Firstly i took Burnes apprentice along for the ride dribble from the get-go however, when i returned to Burne with the skull he says that he will look into it but no matter how long i wait or what i do I dont get the option of destroying the skull (playing a neutral-good team) the option just does not come up in the converstation. ( even if I tell the lasses to go back) Secondly, its seems an easy way to get gold...just sell the extraplanar chest (~20K) gives you unlimited surply of cash) you can keep casting for a new one. Thirdly when cuthbert comes to the rescue he just stands (after the dialog with IUZ) and does nothing and you have to go toe to toe with a demi-god, his archpriest, henchmen and a sh**T load of undead ~ in the vanilla edition he disappered with cuthbert. Fourtlhy you can get both Scather and Fragarch quite easily. Though I am impressed with the work and the time taken to create a better game (though its still to easy in places, would be nice if the dungeon could respawn or even random encounters...? anyway to the people who put the effort in well done thank you) oh and sorry if the answers are posted somewhere on the forum i looked honest
Sure you did.... 1. If Burne won't come to the party, it generally means you are too early in the game I think (though if you have dealt with Iuz, it should be far enough). 2. The extra-planar chest is priced wrong in protos.tab, that will be fixed. 3. Sounds like a bug. 4. :scratchhe 5. Being worked on by Sitra