Is there a solution?

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by HabitOne, Jun 14, 2005.

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  1. HabitOne

    HabitOne Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    First, I have the new bargain bin version which apparently comes prepatched up to patch #3. So, I suppose these third party mods won't work for me? I was hoping there might be a fix for this in them, but unless there's a workaround for having patch # 3 installed that's not an option.

    My problem is that my barbarian and my druid both have their speed permanently halved to 20 and 15 respectively. I have both rested and passed time for 48+ hours, paid NPC's to use neutralize poison and remove disease, and cast remove curse and dispel magic with my 6th level cleric. And nothing changes. I'm not even sure when it happened. It could have been the spike growth spell I cast and accidently walked on or maybe it was when an imp was draining dex to zero. Something strange was happening after that, but I didn't notice a move problem until later. The worst thing is the way the game calculates encumbrance I get double hit for medium armor and medium encumbrance bringing my barbarian's speed down to 10 when it should be 30! And for some strange reason my druid's speed goes to 5 when she wildshapes into a bear. As both were meant to be melee combatants they are now nearly unplayable. I don't see any markers on their portraits like you usually do when something negative is in effect.

    So, I'm assuming this is a bug. Has anyone else encountered it? Is there a workaround? Like I said earlier I probably can't get any help from patches. Any help appreciated.
  2. Cerulean the Blue

    Cerulean the Blue Blue Meanie Veteran

    Apr 23, 2005
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    I have no idea what's up with your barbarian and druid. As for patch 3, I have it on good authority (from Drifter) that installing patch 2 will undo the bad caused by patch 3, at least for those who have installed patch 3. I would assume it would be the same for a pre-patched bargin bin purchase.
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