Hello to all of my fellow ToEE enthusiasts. A friend introduced me to the game of ToEE a few months ago and after playing the standard game I started thinking about what could be done to make this great game even greater. I started searching the web to see if there was a community already established for this game and stumbled upon Co8. A little bit about me: I am a 26 year old disabled Air Force veteran (currently fighting for my Vetran Disability claim), and am currently in school studying Digital Entertainment and Game Design. I am getting to be fairly proficient with 3D Modeling, know the basics of Animation (currently in Animation 2 class) and have been programming since I was 8 years old (I have a working knowledge in Visual Basic and C++). Started playing PnP D&D at age 7 and still play today. I currently have access to the following software: Microsoft Office Student Adobe CS3 Professional Suite 3DS Max (versions 8, 9, and 2008) Maya 9.5 ZBrush 3 VB.Net 2005 Macromedia Flash Macromedia Director and much more . . .
Welcome aboard!! Another co8 member that knows approximately 197610361065 times more than I do about computers. :giggle:
Errr Half Knight? That someone is around 25% likely to be you. Could you give the fella some concrete suggestions on how to apply his modelling skills? (Well you or Cuchulainn or Cujo or someone who knows about that stuff).