SORRY, I MISTITLED THE THREAD. IT IS INSPIRE GREATNESS THAT HAS THIS BUG I got a lvl 10 bard and when I used Inspire greatness on Elmo it added 4 or 5 flags at once on his portrait. Then, the song kept re-activating automatically in or out of combat. The flags kept oscillating between 3 and 7 flags on Elmo and he became unkillable due to the self renewing temporary hitpoints. They absorbed everything, even sneak attacks. The song did not seem to end but I did not use it for more than 10 minutes or so. It did end when I rested. But this effect became the norm whenever I used the song. I already reported it in the bugs thread. Is this a known issue? Or that's how the song works and it really just is the most OP feature in the game?