Insight: Items can't have even numbered caster levels.

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by Rudy, Mar 15, 2015.

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  1. Rudy

    Rudy Established Member

    Jan 30, 2005
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    Maybe this is obvious to y'all who've been around longer than me, but it's occurred to me that since the protos file stores spell effects based on spell level, and not based on caster level, it was highly likely that items cannot be created with an even caster level.

    If that is not clear, note that

    min caster level = (spell level * 2) - 1.

    The file stores things based on spell level, which it then translates into the minimum caster level when using the item.

    To test this theory, I went back to good old cure light wounds potions. Sure enough, when created by a 4th level cleric, CLW potions do 1d8+3, rather than the 1d8+4 that they should do. When created by a 5th level clear, they heal 1d8+5. I posit this is because when the spell item is created, it is rounded down to the highest spell level that the cleric can cast (for the 4th level cleric, this would be a 2nd level spell), and that is the information that is encoded in the created item.

    So, a 1st or 2nd level cleric's potions cure 1d8+1, a 3rd or 4th level cleric's potions cure 1d8+3, and a 5th or higher level cleric's cure 1d8+5. Similarly, a fireball scroll created by a 6th level wizard would do 5d6 rather than 6d6 damage (also tested).

    This relieves some earlier frustration I had when testing cure light wounds potions a long time ago, and thought I might share the insight. If there is some obvious flaw in my thinking, please let me know.
  2. Daryk

    Daryk Veteran Member

    Jan 14, 2012
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    If this is the case, how do Cure Light Wounds potions sometimes only heal 1 hp? That would imply a caster level of zero, wouldn't it?
  3. Rudy

    Rudy Established Member

    Jan 30, 2005
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    I *think* the 1hp bug was fixed in one of the more recent versions, per the discussion in this thread that I started a couple years ago:

    Have you seen 1hp cure light wounds potions since version 8?
  4. Daryk

    Daryk Veteran Member

    Jan 14, 2012
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    Come to think of it, it HAS been a while. I think the last few low rolls I saw were 2hp. I'll let you know if I see any more at the 1hp level.
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