May I know your opinion about this? Looking at the 3.5 rules, I think that a tiger is just too strong than a lion. have you seen the stats? I know that tigers are the bigger "cats" in the worlds, expecially the siberian one that is big almost like a bear, but IMHO its stats are not reflecting the truth. I still have in my mind some images from national geographic programs and I celary remember what kind of gamages a male lion may do even to other hunters yena ridens. for a tiger 1D8 for claws damage and all those bonus HD are too much, like a longsword or an axe! More I don't understand why they reduced the T-rex bite damage. It was cooler in 3.0!
First off, I imagine WotC did that, so the stats are not the same (so there is some difference). Where as pumas and panthers share the same stats as a lion (of course that bit is really subject to DM's thoughts) Second, a tiger has one more hit die than the lion and higher stats (str and con). And while they are both large, the tiger is a bit larger and heavier.
Yes, but... c'mon! For me it is just too much! I may understand for pumas having aproximatively same stats of a panter, but for me a +2 STR, +1 HD and damage weapon increased to the next tice and some differences are enough to make a basic tiger different than a lion. Then I agree that a bengala one has to be much more powerful.
quick facts- puma Body Length(mm) -1100-2000, Weight (kg) - 30-85 "panther" Body Length(mm) -910-1900, Weight (kg) - 30-90 lion Body Length(mm) up to 2500, Weight (kg) - 150 - 250 tiger Sumatran (smallest type) Body Length(mm -2200-2550, Weight (kg) -100-140 tiger Siberian (biggest) Body Length(mm) - 2700-3300, Weight (kg) - 180-306
You haven't even considered... Ligers and Tigons...! Show&rf=