Idea for New Encounter at Meadows

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by EdwinP, May 4, 2005.

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  1. EdwinP

    EdwinP Member

    Apr 26, 2005
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    As I am just getting started with understanding the TOEE Engine, and starting with the Dialogues, here is an idea that one of the more experienced modders might want to consider:

    After the characters reach 10th level during a visit to the tavern or an encounter with a Burne's Badger the characters hear that Burne wants to see them right away.

    From Burne they hear that a tome was stolen from the Temple of St. Cuthbert and soon afterward strange lights were seen in the night sky about Emridy Meadows. The PCs are sent to investigate and recover the tome. If they visit the Temple of St. Cuthbert before venturing on this quest they are warned by the High Priest not to open the tome when they find it. With a high sense motive check the PCs may learn from the priest that the tome is prison of a demon that tempts those of good heart with a wish.

    At the Emridy Meadows the PCs encounter an army(not 1 not 5 not 10, an army) of undead creatures; including a few enlarged skeletons and zombies, lead by an Evil Skeletal Priest, actually a lich. The Evil Skeletal Priest carries the tome stolen from the Temple of St. Cuthbert. Unknownst to the players using this tome summons a hostile Balor.

    (or this encounter could occur in the temple of the Druids map, a better and more realistic encounter. Obtaining the tome would teleport the characters back to Hommlet.)

    If the PCs recover the tome and use it; against the advice of Terjon, a Balor appears that offers them a choice of 2 wishes:

    Do you wish for the Wealth of Kings or the Crown of a King?

    They can answer;

    a. The wealth of Kings - if so then the Party is transported to the lair of a pair of enlarged Hyrdas and their stash of gold.

    b. The crown of a King - If so then the party receives a crown and when they next visit Hommlet they are accused of stealing the King's crown and are attacked by the King's Men.

    d. I want nothing from you - and the insulted Balor attacks
    Last edited: May 5, 2005
  2. 0rion79

    0rion79 Established Member

    Apr 9, 2005
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    The idea sounds great, but I think that skeletons and zombies are not enough, even if some huge-sized undead of those 2 kinds would be VERY funny.
    I think that the bodac icon may be used to represent other kinds of undeads and as well it would be great to implement vampires, maybe with black dressed humans and evles with white hairs, that could be the strongest lich's servants.
    I still wonder if the game could handle so many creatures at once.... the fight in the temple tower is already very slow! But good idea, too!
    Maybe it would be even better to say that, instead of a St.Cuthbert tome - that is difficult to make as usable & balanced item, it could be a great opportunity to add te Holy Avenger as reward for the party, maybe helded from the evil lich that want to change it into an unholy avenger, a Lawful evil weapon (or chaotic evil? almost useless in the temple, anyway). it could be a reward for an evil party, maybe if they accept to make a carnage in homelet and to bring to the lich Jaroo and Trejon's heads.
    I love brainstorming! :D
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