Hostile NPCs

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by ArturJakartai, Sep 11, 2004.

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  1. ArturJakartai

    ArturJakartai Member

    Sep 11, 2004
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    I installed both of the official patches (midway through my current game) but I still have a huge problem that has barred any futher progress in the game, namely any and all NPC's automatically attack when either asked to leave the party or leave on their own. Is there any way to stop this? Or do I just have to accept killing Burne, Rufus, Thrommel, etc when they leave the group? Thanks for any help!
  2. Shadowblade

    Shadowblade Member

    Nov 23, 2003
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    Did you do anything to cause it? Like, did you go Evil and kill a bunch of innocents or something?

    I never got this problem, so maybe your party's actions triggered it.

  3. pervect

    pervect Member

    Sep 18, 2004
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    I had a problem with a NPC attacking when asked to leave, once.

    I have two suggestions:

    1) make sure the char at the leftmost side of the screen is a player PC

    2) try different locations

    I'm not quite sure which of these did the trick, but I know I had the problem, and I'm pretty sure one of these two fixed it.

    I also had the "no quests updated" bug when the leftmost portrait on the bottom of the screen was not a PC.
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