High AC for all characters

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by Belgham, May 23, 2005.

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  1. Belgham

    Belgham Member

    May 6, 2005
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    I have always believe in defense before offense, the fact is that by avoiding being hit, especially on your more vulnerable characters, is a better way, less healing requires mean you can go for longer before resting.
    I have found a few things that will get all your characters to 30+AC.
    1. Use buckler +3 (craft with masterwork buckler) in your off-hand, even when using dual wield or 2-handed weapons. You will lose 1 to hit for 4AC, worthwhile tradeoff IMHO.
    2. Use padded armor +3 with bracers of armor +5 on your high dex character (anyone with +5 or more to dex modifier). Most of your characters should have +5 or more dex anyway with gloves of dex. Do the math, this will be much better than blue elven chain as you will get 5 +3+dex(to max 8), can get incredibly high for your high dex rogue.
    Anyway I have noticed that white robe of magi remove all dex modifier, making it a very bad item for your high dex mage. Is this going to be fixed to make the item worthwhile?
    Last edited: May 24, 2005
  2. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    1) I agree

    2) I also agree for hi-dex rogues etc, though many people consider this cheating as it is, mmm not so much a bug as not in the 3.5 rules as i understand. Well possibly a bug. Leaving aside +3 plate to do this though is cheesy imho.
  3. 0rion79

    0rion79 Established Member

    Apr 9, 2005
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    I must admit that I use the buckler matter but it is a cheat. If you read D&D rules, the buckler is a shield used by archers so that they may defend themselves with sword and buckler if involved into a melee fight from wich they can't escape. Of course, thieves gain benefits from bucklers too, but a PC that is fighting with a 2-handed weapon or 2 weapons doesn't get the buckler AC bonus, but only the penalities, except if he takes the proper feat that is described in the latest Warrior Handbook, the 3.5 re-make of sword and fist, that allows 2-weapons fighting warriors to keep buckler AC bonus even if fighting with the 2nd hand.
  4. Ki Rin

    Ki Rin Member

    May 18, 2005
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    buckler... weapon in each hand equip a buckler then place large hield over the buckler.. looks funny and good defence ;) and no i dont use the glitch.
  5. Cujo

    Cujo Mad Hatter Veteran

    Apr 4, 2005
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    Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't the Scottish in the 18th century use a broad sword in one hand and a shield and Skean Dhu or dirk in the other.
    Also in the strange realm of "real life" the buckler is held in single-hand in a “fist†grip. Check this site out for info on the buckler
    I never thought to do that.
  6. Ki Rin

    Ki Rin Member

    May 18, 2005
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    the scottish warriors then could have used a ford escort as a club in each hand
  7. Cerulean the Blue

    Cerulean the Blue Blue Meanie Veteran

    Apr 23, 2005
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    To Dex or not to Dex

    Remeber, there are many situations in which your PC or NPC does not get the Dex bonus for armor class, i.e. flat-footed, held, etc. . It can take only a few attacks in these situations to reduce your charactor to goo. It has happened to my rogue many times.
  8. taltamir

    taltamir Established Member

    May 16, 2004
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    blue elven chain +8 AC. Max dex bonus with blue elven chain (or any elven chain for that matter)... +4 AC.
    Bonus from padded armor +3 and bracers +5 = 8 AC.
    Max dex bonus on that setup... unlimted?

    However, unless your character is actually going to reach a dex of 20 then there is no point wasting an extra slot (the bracers) for such a thing.
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