Could someone please assist me in introducing a new feat into Temple+? Can it be done by a noob at my end? I have identified the three file components of a typical feat but don't have a clue about the flags in the feat name.txt file (or much else). The feat I want to introduce is Swift Hunter. I have produced a working version of this feat (at least to the same degree as Swift Ambusher does) by editing the Swift Ambusher files attached below to duplicate the pre-requisites and skirmish enhancement element of the Swift Hunter feat. I have also attached a version of the pre-requisite file for Improved Skirmish that passes Scout4+/Ranger1+ as well as Scout5+ characters Unfortunately allocation of a new favoured enemy by Ranger level appears to be hardcoded and creatures invulnerability to criticals is recorded in as an absolute such that creation of Heavy Fortification armour(100%) is easy in contrast to Light and Medium Fortification armours.
Have you seen this documentation on feats? It specifies what the flags do and such. A feature was recently added to allow specifying when classes select class features. However, I think it just controls whether the 'Features' tab is visited during level up. I don't think it would make the Ranger features appear when taking a Scout level, and I'm not sure it would allow you to choose a new favored enemy earlier than normal if you were taking a ranger level. I imagine programmatic control of the class features screen is planned, but isn't there yet.
Yes, I'm working on python scriptable guis which will be used to make custom "features" selection. About criticals: as of next version, the gameplay logic for handling to-hit and damage will be in python, so you'll be able to easily add new queries and such extensions. See here:
Thank you for giving me the confidence to take the plunge - I ended up using the same flags settings as for Swift Ambusher. Please find attached three files for Swift Hunter feat, plus Improved Skirmish pre-requisite file changed to pass Scout 4+/Ranger 1+ characters plus file modifying Scout bonus feats to include "Swift Hunter" I hope you like them Ronald.
I am so happy about this I forgot to post this in the topics about Warlock and Marshal, but both are on hold until this feature is live, as I will redo both classes using this new excting new feature Already have the spells Rhinos Rush and Grave Strike in the pipeline