Help! Village of Hommlet attacks my party

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by Lildixon, Oct 30, 2010.

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  1. Lildixon

    Lildixon Member

    Oct 30, 2010
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    I've searched the internet for an answer to this but haven't really found an answer. Sorry if it's already been addressed on here but my party is now being attacked whenever they get back to Hommlet. My characters just raised to level 3 and I cleared out the bugbears at the moathouse. Any tips or solutions to this problem?
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2010
  2. cezmail

    cezmail Gorboth's Rider

    Dec 28, 2007
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    Well without knowing any particulars, I would ask, do you have the butcher of Hommlet reputation somehow? Did you have Meleny and get her killed off? Did you steal from someone and get caught?

    If you have a save from before that fight, try loading and see if you can get back to Hommlet and see what happens.

    If you have more details, please let us know and we may be able to help you more.
  3. Lildixon

    Lildixon Member

    Oct 30, 2010
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    Here's a brief breakdown of my party and what's happened - There's 5 of my own characters - Ranger, fighter, rogue, cleric and wizard. I added Zert and Furnok. Furnok was killed though and I never raised him. Would that be what is causing the villagers to attack me? He's been dead awhile, though. I've then added Ronald and Burne's assistant. I talked to the traders that were double crossing Rufus and Burne.

    Now I was wearing the cloaks you find in the chest in the moathouse. I remembered that from when I actually had the module back in the 1st edition days. I took them off and discarded them, no difference.

    I haven't stolen from anyone that I can recall. I don't know what the butcher of Hommlet reputation is.

    I'll try to load from a previous save, thanks for the tip. It sucks, though, because it took me like 15 fights just to kill all the bugbears without losing any of my guys and raise a level!
  4. cezmail

    cezmail Gorboth's Rider

    Dec 28, 2007
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    Furnok can be killed with no penalty, so that can not be it. Having Zert in the group, I do not think that is it, even if he is LE.

    Wearing the cloaks into Hommlet MIGht have a cause of the attacks, but I do not think so. Were you wearing them into town by chance?

    Did Pishella die or is she still alive?

    Do you have a save from AFTER the battle?

    Sorry for all the questions, just trying to get an idea of a solution.
  5. Lildixon

    Lildixon Member

    Oct 30, 2010
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    Zert is LE? Yikes, I didn't know that!

    Pishella is still alive. Furnok is the only one dead.

    The thing with the cloaks is I've worn that before through town with no problem.

    The only thing that came up in search that I could find was someone who had the same problem fixed it with not killing the two bugbears off to the side in the small rooms. I never attacked those two bugbears, though, in the last save.

    I do have a save after the battle.

    It sounds like the bugbear battle is somehow triggering the town attack. It's happened twice now to me after the battle with them. I guess I'll just avoid them and see what happens.
  6. cezmail

    cezmail Gorboth's Rider

    Dec 28, 2007
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    Well that battle should not make the town rise up on you, but it seems that somehow you have had a bug from it effecting the town.

    Sorry if I let on a spolier about Zert. My bad. :(

    Well I am out of ideas, so will hope that your next replay will allow you to have fun. :)
  7. General Ghoul

    General Ghoul Established Member

    Dec 18, 2008
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    Ask each NPC to leave the group. Afterward talk to them again and one might attack you on sight because they are now hostile toward you because you accidentally hit them with an attack spell like sleep, web, or fireball. When one goes like this, the village gets mad about it.

    Power word: Relaod.
  8. Lildixon

    Lildixon Member

    Oct 30, 2010
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    It's no big deal about Zert, I was probably going to let him go anyways.

    Thanks for the help, really appreciated. I leveled up without going back to the bugbears.

    Maybe I did accidentallly hit Zert with a spell or an attack in combat, it's hard to tell.
  9. Jo

    Jo Member

    Jul 12, 2011
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    Same thing just happened to me! Sucks. I'm wondering if it might have something to do with making a deal with the gnolls and letting them go? I don't normally do that, but I did this time. I've played this game what feels like hundreds of times, but this go through was a little different.

    I started with one character, just to raise the experience a little. At first, I was just going to do the early quest entries to get to third level, then import a party to join in. But I got carried away. I sold the scrolls from the Church of St. Cuthbert and used the coins to finance scrolls and potions to help me try to solo the Moathouse. I ended up doing the Deklo Grove quest for Tarim, and I did a partial on the Welkwood Bog quest, just enough to take out the undead threat. Then when I was able to beat the frogs, I figured I could take the bandits, so I did. This was all with one solo character. He started as a rogue and moved into wizard, with the intention of turning him into an arcane trickster.

    I kept moving him further and further into the Moathouse, and I made a deal with the gnolls, largely because I didn't know if I could take them with just one character. I took out Lubash, everything upstairs, made a deal with the gnolls, then started working on Lareth's chambers. That's where things got sticky for me, and I felt like the game was getting buggy. Maybe because it's not meant to be fought the way I did it.

    Since I couldn't take all of the forces in the chamber at once, I went in and started a fight, used a few charm person spells, then fled after the guards killed two charmed sergeants and Seleucas, who I had also charmed. So it was. I went back and forth, charming, then running and fleeing from the battle. Finally, it was just me and Lareth. I ended up charming Lareth and taking him to the spider tower where I could rest. I hit him with Tasha's Laughter and then killed him. On the way out, I used a Ice scroll I purchased from Burne to take out Zert, Turuko and Kobert, as well as the group they had with them.

    Everything was fine at this point. It was here that I decided I needed extra team members. I signed up a handful of folks (Elmo, Meleny, Cavanaugh, Spugnoir, and Furnok), imported two new main characters, and went back to the Moathouse. Therein, I finished the rooms I hadn't gotten to. This includes the giant crayfish, the zombies, the ghouls, and the bugbears. In addition to this, I gathered all the gear I had been unable to carry. From there I traveled back... and boom. Everybody in Hommlet hates me and wants blood. I don't have the Butcher of Hommlet reputation in my logbook, but you sure would think I did. Doesn't matter where I go, I get attacked.

    All that effort. For naught. I don't really want to go back to an earlier save without knowing where the bug is.
  10. Jo

    Jo Member

    Jul 12, 2011
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    Oh, I forgot to mention... I reloaded and decided to try to go to Nulb to see if the people there would attack me. On the way, I had an encounter with a caravan that had been hit by the gnolls I let walk out of the Moathouse. I tried to continue on to Nulb, but the game crashed in an odd way. It acted like I was traveling from the Temple of Elemental Evil (even though I didn't have the temple on my map yet) and just sort of froze on the map. I couldn't close the map, nothing. I could move the cursor around, but that was about it.

    I had to restart my computer. Then I came online and ended up here. As I often do, being such a fan of the game.
  11. Allyx

    Allyx Master Crafter Global Moderator Supporter

    Dec 2, 2004
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    Cavanaugh isn't a recruitable NPC, I assume you charmed him? It's probable that the Hommlet citizens who went hostile did so because you used an offensive spell (Charm Person counts as a hostile spell - though technically it shouldn't - but then, this version of Charm Person is way more powerful than it should actually be) on one of them.
  12. Jo

    Jo Member

    Jul 12, 2011
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    Cavanaugh is recruitable. This is vanilla. You get him as a beggar in front of the Welcome Wench. First, you have to do the quest for the Church of St. Cuthbert to collect his dues. If you intimidate him into paying the dues he will later end up in front of the Inn. If you take the right path, you get the opportunity to recruit him as an NPC. It's somewhat funny, the dialogue. "You look like you'd be a good man in tight spot..." Something like that. Funny, of course, because Cavanaugh has just returned drunk after you've given him a little gold to help him get back on his feet.

    You can also make Otello a beggar in front of the Inn by turning him into Meleny's father for stealing. By specifically naming him. If you do both of them, you get a reputation and people are afraid you might bring their skeletons out of their closets also.

    For some reason, I'm thinking you might be able to make a third person beg in front of the Inn also, but I can't recall who, so maybe not. Anyway, only Cavanaugh is recruitable as a beggar. Otello is not.
  13. Jo

    Jo Member

    Jul 12, 2011
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    Regarding charm person, I agree, very powerful for what it is. I'm concerned it might be buggy.

    Come to think of it, spells were off in that game. I noticed that Mirror Image wasn't working. It may be because I just downloaded Temple+, but I imagine someone else would have noticed if these level one spells were bugged.

    Also: to everyone who's worked on this game for years, thank you so much. I have enjoyed playing this game for well over a decade now, and I always come back to it.
  14. Allyx

    Allyx Master Crafter Global Moderator Supporter

    Dec 2, 2004
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    I think Erliter the millers servant is the other begger. As to what caused Hommlet to go hostile, I'm not sure.
    Jo likes this.
  15. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    It's possible you got a negative enough reputation that you're considered KOS. Do you have the "friend of lareth" rep?

    As always it helps if you post your savegame, otherwise it's the usual stab in the dark game.
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