There are several new NPCs that are being added to the new Verbobonc who as yet do not have a backstory. These are 'necessary' NPCs who nonetheless aren't really critical to any plot elements at this time. It would suffice to have them be bland, two dimensional scarecrows who only recite invitations to barter, but it would be spicier if they chatted you up some. If anyone wouyld like to create a backstory for these NPCs, please feel free. Post it here and I will integrate it if it is serious, credible, and worthwhile. Rules: Do NOT write an 18 page short story detailing every event from age 1 until the present day for these people. Do NOT write up 18 quest chains that you expect me to implement. DO write up a nice, concise, short backstory. DO write up a little back-and-forth if you're so inclined. This should not involve more than, let's say, three possible directions for the dialog to go, and each direction should terminate after one or two responses so I don't have to spend the rest of my life implementing it. What we are after here, at this time, is to simply make these people somewhat convincing. What we are not after is to make them into major plot devices. That could possibly come later, but right now we just want to get Verbo 2.0 off the ground. The NPCs are: Canon Ramses, the chief cleric at the Temple of Pelor Captain Achan, the jailer in the Verbobonc Constabulary Captain Absalom, the patrol commander in Verbobonc Jylee, the proprietor of Jylee's Inn (a boardinghouse) Victor, the weapons merchant at the Archer's Eye Gregor, the armor merchant at the Archer's Eye An as-yet unnamed merchant at the Bazaar of the Bizarre who sells wands Maurice, the head banker at the Silver Consortium (they buy and sell gems and jewelry) There may yet be a few more added as needed. You can also petition to change a name if you really feel it's necessary, except for Victor and Gregor, who are Allyx-named creations, and Jylee, who needs to be Jylee because that's an 'official' location in Verbobonc, according to some site where I got the info. It would also be nice if we could avoid the conventions that have already been used, e.g., chief clerics as overzealous money-grabbing a-holes. There's nothing wrong with making these people decent and unsuspicious. Please post your submissions here. There is no need to contact me privately - these will not be kept secret or anything like that. So ... think small, and have fun.
Ramses, good name for a priest of the sun god. Pelor is the Greyhawk version of Ra and is a one the major dieties of Greyhawk. A major city like Verbobonc would have a high level priest, with good and sun domains. He would be an older gentleman. He would have very high wisdom and know what's going on around town. He would know about the Hextorite's and maybe the Scarlet Brotherhood also. He would be worried about the increase in evil violence, especially by undead. Pelor priest with sun domain/greater turning are tough on undead. He would be a great source of info, generous and very helpful, especially to a Pelorite cleric. Pelor priest aren't arrogant, pushy jerks. Generally neutralgood/chaoticgood, but they despise undead with a fanatic passion. Very interesting possiblities here.
I've got a dlg file started with a few lines if it will be of any help. It's 00607Ramses for info purposes. I can expand it somewhat, but not too big.