Help fix a bug, PLEASE READ

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by Shiningted, May 16, 2005.

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  1. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    As some of you know, I am trying to get to the bottom of the non-appearing NPC dialogue so I can either fix it or pinpoint it for others who know how.

    For those who don't know: NPC followers in the game (Elmo, Otis, Lareth, Turuko, Furnok, Darley, Spugnoir etc - the people who join your party) are meant to say more than their introductory stuff and "my pack is full!" They are meant to have lines in combat too, which aren't appearing. These would add quite a bit to the fun of the game, enhancing the feeling that they are folllowers and not PCs as they independantly react to their circumstances (if only with smarta$$ remarks).

    Some of these lines of dialogue (and accompanying vocal recordings) appear under very specific circumstances, such as Zaxis when he is fleeing, or if the person who 'recruited' them is killed while leading the party. So, it is possible (methinks) that the others may only occur under specific circumstances. Since there are many people here, and we all play our own unique way, someone may well have heard something while using a party or game set-up that the rest of us wouldn't even think to try.

    So - please reply if u have ever heard any of the following, and if you can remember under what circumstances it was.

    - An NPC brags about a critical hit (says, "Take that!" or "That's how we do it in Ferd!" or "I still got it!" or "Die you fiend!" or something martial when a critical hit occurs - not just the vocal 'yes sir' for performing the action. It does NOT have to be their hit, it could be any they witness).

    - An NPC mocks a critical miss they witness (says, "Pay attention!" or "Practice makes perfect!" or "You fight like my grandma" or "Just pay attention, lad. You'll get it". Again, doesn't matter who makes the miss.)

    - An NPC complains when receiving a critical hit from a monster (says "ow that one hurt" or "this could be bad" or "these dogs have teeth" or some such thing)

    - An NPC is badly wounded and asks for healing (says any sort of complaint about neeeding healing)

    - An NPC cries out when dying (note this is an NPC, not a PC, all PCs do this: please don't post a hundred replies telling me the character you rolled up yelled 'noooooo' when getting killed!!!)

    - An NPC other than Zaxis flees in combat while calling for a retreat.

    As i said, if u have EVER heard any of these, please let me know, with as much info about your party as possible. O and yes we know NPCs make comments when the get hit by friendly fire or when the enter new areas ("this is Emridy Meadows, where the great battle took place" etc) so u don't have to post about those ;-)
  2. Zebedee

    Zebedee Veteran Member Veteran

    Apr 2, 2005
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    I've had Fruella say something about "marriage" when dying but it happened once and that was before I patched up with Co8. IIRC it was during a fight with Feldrin - I think she got hit by a nasty sneak attack.

    Other than that, nada sorry.
  3. darmagon

    darmagon stumbler in the dark

    Mar 22, 2005
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    Fruella in a game with livonya's mod 1.5.1 was killed by a phantasmal killer cast by one of the eye's of the deep in the water node. She said something like: "before I die, I want you to know that I never loved you and I regret marrying you."

  4. Libri

    Libri Member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    Meleny has said "Farewell, my love." before. Not sure if it was when her husband was killed, or when she was killed though.
  5. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Zert, 6 PCs, 2 NPCs, battling the bugbears in the moathouse, takes a critical hit from one of the "nasties:"

    "Whoa! Old Zert is taking a beating here!"

    Using Liv's mod over the normal patch suite.

    Oh, and then every time my party tries to do something, someone says "Right away!" There's that too. Hope that helps. ;)
  6. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Wow they do work! Well Liv did suggest all this... hmmm, its a start :)

    Keep em coming folks, every one helps, if we can just get to one that is repeatable...
  7. wizgeorge

    wizgeorge Prophet of Wizardy

    Feb 19, 2005
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    Fruella will say, Hey! Do that again and I'll rip your head off! if she gets hit by friendly fire. Pretty typical for Fruella.
    There is a whole lot of stuff in the dlg files that seems to never occur. Most are triggered for certain conditions or events, so unless that happens you wont ever see them. There's an awful lot of dialogue that never gets used. A lot of the files are for -7, or 7 or lower intelligence. I don't see any pratical use for it. The spokesperson should be someone with high intelligence and charisma.
    Last edited: May 17, 2005
  8. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    I had Zert say that after crits in repeat battles with the moathouse bugbears, so that might be worth checking. Fruella was my 2nd NPC, I believe, if that matters.
  9. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Yeah well I don't play with more than 5 pc's, so this is just the sorta thing I need to hear, thanks Gaear. O and i don't tend to use Zert (my paladin won't recruit him), so i will check.

    thanks for the Fruella and Meleny stuff too guys.
    Last edited: May 17, 2005
  10. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Gonna bump this a couple times to make sure.
  11. Zebedee

    Zebedee Veteran Member Veteran

    Apr 2, 2005
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    Meleny seems to say "farewell my love" whenever any of my male PCs dies. Sorry, didn't realise that you were after confirmation of that one. I want to say that Fruella has a "You'll pay for that!" line when this happens too; but file it under maybe unless someone else confirms - I've been playing a few old games the past week and I may have gotten confused.
  12. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Thanks Zeb, i think i have heard Mel say it myself... the thread somewhere above where someone says there lead character dies and now the NPC's act like they never have met is one more indication that the lead character has a lot to do with it.

    Dare I suggest the male character u r thinking of was the lead (leftmost icon)? The scripting often seems to use this character as an 'everyman' default to activate things...
  13. Zebedee

    Zebedee Veteran Member Veteran

    Apr 2, 2005
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    Possibly but I've got a feeling that she says it for other male PCs wherever they are in the lineup. I'll come back to this one when I've been giving the game some solid attention though - I feel like a blagger atm because this is all coming from memory not testing for the issue. And I have days when I forget my name ;)
  14. lord_graywolfe

    lord_graywolfe Wolfman

    Apr 30, 2004
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    meleny has something to say the first time we enter a new area. the moathous, the temple, nulb. it varies, stuff like this is the place for big adventure or only the bad people live here. ive never been here before. when we go back to hommlet the first time after leaving she also says something about being home.

    fruella tells you when you come back to hommlet that the name means rotten eggs in another language.
  15. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Thanks guys - the stuff when u first enter a map is consistent EXCEPT that not all NPCs talk about all areas, and if the NPC randomly selected to speak has nothing to say, well, nothing gets said.

    I am happy to test this myself Zeb (my mod is dead in the water for the moment) but wuld u believe it? I am having those issues where I can't get Fruella to marry me, the option doesn't come up (someone posted on that a while back).

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