in the middle of a horribly frustrating ironman run, so i'm playing a normal game and just trying to have some fun with it. I tried some of the console commands and they all work nicely, but i tried spawning weapons and armor and its no dice. one time i got an "arrow DO NOT USE", and i have no clue what I'm doing wrong. is there a place these items show up? is there a patch i need? am i just a raging tard? help a brotha out tl;dr cant console command spawn items, need help
Where are you getting the item codes from? The DO NOT USE items are just that - should not be inputted into the game. We discourage console use (particularly spawning items) for just this reason, as inputting a bad item code can corrupt your game. Also, what code are you using? 'Give' will put an item into the selected character's inventory, while 'create' will put it on the ground.
What part has been frustrating for you? I'm doing an ironman run as well and flop back and forth between a wizard and a cleric after each death... I just got to nulb and am hesitant to fight the big kermit at lvl 7 (solo)...